tamikis talk

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(T) haruhi can I talk with you?

(H) yes what is it tamiki?

(T) you seem different than the usual some days you were always happy and then others you were in a down mood just like most of this week

(H) you wouldn't understand

(T) well I don't understand because you haven't told me

(H) I can't tell you

(T) is it a man in your life?

(H) yes

(T) I'm guessing you and the man broke up

(H) we broke up a few times

(T) you never talk to us about your love life haruhi you could have told is you met someone

(H) if I did I'd be asked so many questions about who the man is or if you guys know him, I choose not to be pressured with questions so I hid my love life

(T) would you tell us who the man is that you were dating? You don't have to if you don't want to

(H) I don't want to tell anyone about him

(T) It's alright but what was the reasons for you guys breaking up?

(H) in middle school and highschool people rumored him dating people I tried asking about it he said it wasn't true but apparently the girls were making first moves on him and it upset me so it winded up causing problems in our relationship until his father needed him away on business trips

(T) so you trusted the man but you guys had alot of different drama

(H) yeah I trusted him but we had so many problems in our relationship so it was hard to figure out things

(T) what happens if someone else falls in love with you

(H) I don't know me and him just ended again a few weeks ago so I don't know if I can jump straight into a new relationship

(T) *kisses haruhi* haruhi I'm in love with you I want to be your boyfriend could you please think about it

(H) I don't know tamiki but I'll think about it I need to go *walks away*

(T) hopefully I didn't make things worse

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