1 - The After Life

Start from the beginning

"Ecstatic actually, you really made my day after everything that I have been through today."  chirps Camelia.

"Are you two done now? I want to get to why I brought you here." asks Death, who at  point was annoyed with their banter. Boy are they in for a surprise, he thinks.

"What was the point of bringing us here?" Tom asks intrigued now that the question was brought up.

"Well Hecate and I were conversing about the rotten luck my Mistress has had, and she was a bit upset about your predicament as well Tom. We argued a good bit with sissy Fate and got you two a do over. Your welcome." Death explains ending it with a smile. (A/N: Is it Hekate or Hecate?)

"What exactly do you mean do over?" Camellia skeptically.

"What I mean is that I will take you as you are now and place you in your body on the day you get your Hogwarts letter."

"OK, that explains a do over for me, but what about him?" Camellia questions, pointing at Tom.

"Well that's the issue, because at that time this idiot's main soul is a parasite and so miniscule, I can't place his present conscience there, else he'll be even more insane. This means I need to place his present conscience in one of his six horcruxes." Death says.

"Firstly, I don't like to be called an idiot, and secondly, at that point Nagini isn't a horcrux yet so it's only five horcruxes." Tom interjects.

Camellia turns to Death asking. "He really doesn't know?"

"Nope. He was so unstable and insane that you were accidental."

"Um, I feel like I am missing something?"

"Oh yeah, Tommy boy remember that whole 'power the lord knows not' crap?," Tom nods yet looking offended by the nickname, "Well that so called power was me being a horcrux and Dumbledore apparently figured it out before he died...well faked his death." Camellia informs Tom, as his jaw drops then slightly flinches at the mention of her parents murder.

"Technically he guessed Tom made you a horcrux as soon as he saw you and the remains of Tom, and planned your life accordingly. That memory he made you get from Slughorn? He already had it. Getting that memory was how he wanted you to find out about Tom's horcruxes and to make sure you were dedicated to defeating Voldemort." Death revealed, "Anyways back to Tom's unstable soul problem; his main soul piece isn't suitable so it will have to be another."

"The first candidate then would be the Gaunt ring. It's the first one I made so it would have the most of my soul, the second would be the diary."

"Well Dumbledore was the one who got the ring from the shack, I have no clue where that is. The diary is also out of the question, it's with the Malfoys. I will befriend Draco this time but I doubt would have access to where Lucy had the diary hidden." Camellia says shutting down the first 2 horcruxes.

"Okay then the next would be the locket which is in an underwater cave of inferni surrounded by a potion that may or may not be lethal." Tom provides.

"Actually it is in Grimmauld Place with Kreacher. Regulus Black found out about your horcruxes and you using Kreacher, he realized they were the reason for your insanity and sought to destroy them. He took the potion and made Kreacher swap the locket with a fake, and made Kreacher promise to leave him and destroy the locket before being dragged into the water by your inferni." Camellia solemnly says.

"Oh, that's why he disappeared, he betrayed me and died as punishment?"

"Tom! He knew you were too insane to live with all those horcruxes and how your views differed from what he heard about from your Hogwarts day. Be just a tad solemn will you?!"

"Camellia darling, you do realize I'm practically a sociopath?" he asks, lifting one of his perfect eyebrows, "Anyways, since it's in Grimmauld Place, you can get it right? Despite the current Lord in Azkaban you should have access due to being a descendant of House of Black."

Camellia rolls her eyes. "Yes Tom I can get into Grimmauld place, apparently before my parents went into hiding, Sirius told me they put a House of Black portkey necklace in my trust vault for emergencies that would take me there. Apparently they hoped Walburga was either dead by then or would love to take in an impressionable young witch. Honestly doesn't that show how much they didn't want me with my mom's sister; that they would give me to Sirius's pureblood elitist mother? At least I wouldn't be beat for accidental magic..." She murmured the last but Riddle seemed to still hear.

"They beat you?" Tom asked in quiet disbelief. How could Dumbledore condone this?

Camellia doesn't respond, just looks down. She might not talk about it, but the Dursleys will forever leave a scar on her with everything they put her through. Ron and Hermione knew she wasn't treated the best, but they didn't know the true extent. Camellia thought the twins had in inkling that she was abused ever since they got her trunk from under the cupboard during 2nd year, along with having to actually break her out. Camellia was quite ashamed about it, I mean she was the "Savior of The Wizarding World", and she was being abused, she didn't want the pity nor did she want people such as the petty, controversial wizards who switched their opinions of her every year to know of her blood family's treatment of her. She was so surprised after Sirius started to take care of her over the summer when she stayed in Grimmuald place, she thought the Dursley's treatment of her before Hogwarts was actually what she deserved. The Dursleys demolished her self-esteem, so that's why when she got Ron and Hermione as friends she latched on to them despite their views on her changing yearly, they showed her that little bit of acceptance the first year she didn't want to lose that.

Maybe that's why Dumbledore sent her back there every year, as a reminder of how her blood family treated her so that when she experienced the friendship that Ron and Hermione gave to her, the grandfatherly persona that Dumbledore showed, she wouldn't turn it away, she would cherish it, and do anything to keep it.

Trying to shrug it away, "it doesn't matter. Let's continue?"

"OK if you can get the necklace when I send you back, I can merge that Horcrux with Riddle here then with the rest, he just needs to hold them, think about absorbing them and say concipio."

"What about the one in me and the wraith?"

"The wraith you will need to subdue, you could, possibly when facing the wraith in first year push your magic into the locket letting Riddle have a corporeal form like in the Chamber incident so he can absorb the wraith. As for the horcrux in you well, by the Battle of Hogwarts it was such a small part of his soul and was with you and your magic for so long well....... I will just let you find out when you go back." said Death vaguely.

"Well that's not vague at all." Tom says sarcastically rolling his eyes.

Clapping his hands together Death says, "Well, it is time to send you both back, any question? No? Great!"

Then with a snap of Death's finger's their visions went black.

A/N: Concipio is Latin for take in, take over and absorb 

Ahhh! Honestly I didn't think this chapter would be that long but here we are! I finished midterms this week so I thought it would be a great time to update. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!



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