1 - The After Life

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Camellia finds herself back in the white room from when Voldemort killed her, but instead of Kings Cross, she finds herself in a white version of the Slytherin common room.

"Well you didn't last long, did you Potter?"

She whirls around to find Tom Riddle leaning against a chair, no longer looking like a snake face, but the handsome 16 year old he once was before he created his horcruxes. The only significant difference between him and the diary Tom was his chocolate brown eyes now had a red tint to them.

"At least I lasted longer than you Riddle."

"At least I wasn't betrayed by my so-called inner circle."

"At least I didn't split my soul so much, that I lost my face and sanity!" Camellia snapped.

"Children. The both of you are acting like children."

Camellia and Tom turn towards the voice which came from what looked to be a floating black cloaked entity holding a scythe.

"Death." The bickering two murmur.

"Do you know why you are here?"

"We died. Don't know why I'm with him though.. " Camellia deadpanned pointing to Riddle.

"Well Mistress you are both here because-"

"Sorry Mistress? As in Mistress of Death?" Camellia asked confused before coming to a realization.

The Deathly Hallows. She was the owner of all of them before she died.

"Yes as in Mistress of Death, now as I was saying, you have been given a second chance to right the wrongs done to you by Dumbledore."

After Death says this, he shifts from a floating black cloak holding a scythe, to a man in his 20s, with slicked back long black hair and pitch black eyes. (A/N: imagine Tom Hiddleston/Loki)

"Now I know what wrongs Dumbledore has made in regards to me, but what pray tell would he do to his precious 'Gryffindor Golden Girl'?" Riddle asks not trying to hide his curiosity as well as his shock at Death's transformation.

Before Death can answer, Camellia asks desperately, "People don't really refer to me as 'Gryffindor Golden Girl' right?!"

"Oh yes people do, especially my Death Eaters and I. We don't understand how you can mindlessly follow the old fool no matter how many times he put your life at risk." Riddle happily let's Camellia know.

"You mean how I wonder why you would make so many horcruxes when you lose half your soul each time rendering you insane and weak?" Camellia counters.

"I am not weak!"

"Well yeah, you are. Every time I fought you I only won because you weren't your best and because of Potter Luck™." Camellia admits.

"She is right you know' Death interjects, " Every time you made a horcrux you split your body in half, honestly after you made Nagini a horcrux Mistress had more of your soul then you did. It's a wonder you were able to function and formulate thoughts and semi decent plans, in the end you were acting on impulse."

Tom clenches his jaw. He doesn't want to acknowledge his stupid decision of multiple horcruxes, and going after babies after hearing half a prophecy, especially one given by a phony divination teacher under Dumbledore's thumb. Even now that he is dead, his soul isn't complete but at least he has clarity of mind.

"Fine. I was weak and insane due to my naïve decision to make not only one but multiple horcruxes. Happy?" Tom grits out reluctantly.

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