Chapter 2: The Burn Queen Awakens

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A/N: So I really wanted to not make this xOC but oops. I'm just not as good at writing when I don't have a character I can control to push the plot along. So very sorry if you don't like xOC's and this is the final nail in the coffin. Oh well, on with the story.


Styx groaned as feeling rushed back into her limbs. Of course she had to follow that waste-of-spacewalker out of his seat. While it's true that floating around for a few moments had been fun, it was not worth the pain she was in now.

Styx pushed herself off the bed she was in, examining the bandages some kind soul had fixed around her arm. She walked towards the door, taking in the other number of makeshift cots that lay around her. Her scarred skin tugged in the strange way she was used to, and Styx knew she would have a couple of very bad bruises tommorow.

The door to the dropship was down, and Styx could see the sun beginning to set behind a couple of very tall fir trees. She picked up a pipe from the ground, using it to knock the snow out of the trees. next time, undoubtedly, she'd drop the snow on someone's head instead. but just knocking the snow free was satisfying.

Not as satifying as having a real fire would be, though. Styx felt around in her pocket, and to her relief her box of matches was still there. But what's a pyro to do in a world full of wet snow and only one box of matches? She'd have to do something, and soon, because the temperature was rapidly dropping as the sun set.

As Styx was calmly admiring their certain death from hypothermia, Bellamy ran up.

"You can start a fire? We're gonna need one." He said, not meeting her eyes.

Styx grinned. So he hadn't forgetten their last meeting either. "Unless you're willing to use a body as tinder, no. I'm betting all the wood around here is too wet. You probably need to chop down a tree, or at least collect wood to let it dry. We might be able to burn some of the materials in the dropship, but that's not a permament solution. But you're the "leader" so I always assume you know what to do."

Bellamy looked injured. "I'm sorry, alright? I never wanted to hurt you." He said, pleading.

Styx kicked a branch out of her way ruefully. "Never meant to hurt me? Cute. Really cute. So you "never meant to hurt me" when you killed my parents? When you burned them alive?" Styx' voice was barely controlled, giving hints to the incomprehensibly deep anger she held.

"Look, I just did it for-"

"Your sister, I know. That's what you told me three years ago, when I figured out you killed them. that was your excuse. Take my family, give me your pain. I hope Shumway's been treating you well, and I hope you enjoy being his little bitch." Styx finished, throwing the pipe at his feet and stalking off.

What a sorry excuse of a human being. She was going to kill him one day, she just hadn't found the right time for it. But of all things, Styx had nothing but time. Although, she thought as she rubbed her hands together, that time was looking awfully short.

As she trotted out into the forest, her spirits rose. The fir trees were too closely packed to allow for snow to reach the ground, so most of the materials on the ground were fairly dry. Maybe they wouldn't die tonight. Styx started collecting twigs, leaves, anything she could use as kindling.

Once she had as much as she could carry, she walked back into camp, almost running over Clarke in her haste.

"Oh, hey Clarke." Styx said, nodding. Clarke barely nodded in return as she hauled the body of a giant, six-legged cat into camp.

"Bellamy, send some of your people out to fetch firewood. The ground is dry enough that we might be able to manage it, if you can clear a spot in camp of snow to have the fire." Styx shouted.

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