Chapter Two

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It was later in the evening now, Willow had sorted and placed all her clothes into the wardrobe and the rest of her belongings on the side beside her bed. She was currently wearing some loose pj bottoms and a purple vest top. She walked into her private bathroom and started to brush through her shoulder length hair, which was black and currently wet since she had a shower prior to getting dressed for bed. Willow had big blue eyes and pink lips which complemented each other's appearance on her pale face. She brushed her teeth and took off the leftover mascara that didn't run off in the shower and then walked back through to her bedroom. Basically collapsing onto her bed, Willow snuggled into the soft covers and dug herself deeper into them to maxify the warmth that she could gain from them. Just as she was drifting off to sleep a quiet knock came from the door and when Willow gave no reply, it was pushed open to find Miss Cordelia stood there in a silk robe that she wrapped around her waist tightly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, I just wanted to make sure you were ok." she stated leaning against the doorframe, her smile radiating positivity and warmth, which Willow came to realise was a normal expression for the older witch to present. "Oh I wasn't asleep, don't worry, and yes thank you i'm fine, just cuddled up in this cosy bed." Willow replied, her voice crept up in volume as she laughed a bit in an effort to make the conversation a little less formal. Cordelia laughed along and nodded in agreement to the statement about the beds, "I must admit I find it hard to get up in the mornings sometimes because they're so comfortable, i'd rather just laze around in bed all day, i try now and again in hopes that no one will realise, yet within the hour one of the girls will burst through my door telling me how so and so has done this or how the whole coven has broke into war without their supreme to practically parent them" Miss Cordelia laughed louder now, the two women giggled together like school children before Willow continued with their conversation, on which was now on what is a supreme since she didn't know. "Umm Miss Cordelia, what is a supreme? I'm pretty new to this whole coven things I've sorta been on my own my whole life" she questioned sitting up more in bed now, intrigued to find out more. "Oh of course i completely forgot this is your first time in a coven, ok let me explain, may i?" Miss Cordelia gestured to come in, which Willow nodded and she came to sit on the corner of the bed.

"Ok right, every powerful coven has a supreme, think of them like a queen, they hold all the powers that magic can give. They look after the coven in a way, there is only one in every generation, and while you may think this is a blessing, and I must admit it does come with its perks, in my eyes at least it is also a curse. Like i said before there is only one in every generation, and once the new supreme starts to get stronger and gain more power, the old one begins to die so eventually all their power would be given to the next supreme. Most supremes live to only around their sixties when the new supreme starts to blossom. So we only get to live part of our lives and we lose the ability to grow old and experience the ability of dying with the rest of the older generation of coven, which is much more peaceful, but the supremes body shuts down in the end, whether their organs fail or they get cancer, well that's just down to chance. But whatever the way it is most definitely not peaceful." Miss Cordelia finished, a tear rolled down her cheek. Without thinking Willow gently wiped away the tear from her cheek, causing Miss Cordelia to flinch at first at the rare occasion of another person's contact, but relaxed again when she saw Willow smile sadly at her.

"I'm so sorry Miss Cordelia, that sounds horrible" She finally spoke up, a quiver in her own voice as she held back tears herself, Cordelia nodded and placed her hand over yours, which was still resting on her cheek. "It is, but unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do about it. I should go, it's getting late and you probably want to sleep, you look tired, luckily you came on a friday so its the weekend tomorrow, so no lessons for awhile yet. I'll see you tomorrow sweetie" Miss Cordelia spoke softly and walked out the room, taking one last look at Willow and smiled before closing the door, Willow smiled to herself and grabbed a book from her nightstand to read.

I couldn't help but publish one more chapter tonight, just to give you all an idea of where the book is going to go. I have two more chapters wrote, and I will be writing more each day and hopefully publish at least once every couple days, I hope your all enjoying this! Leave any suggestions in the comments.

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