Chapter 1

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It was another day at Royal Prep and Miss Flora was about to announce something exciting.

Miss Flora announced, "May I have your attention children." As class quiet down. Miss Flora announced, "I will be assigning you a project to do and it will be due next month." "It can be on anything or everything." "I already have your groups ready for you." "Okay let's see." "We have:

"James, Zandar,Derek and Khalid,"

"Clio, Hildegard and Zooey,"

"Amber, Kari and Desmond,"

"Lakshmi, Maya, Jun and Jin,"

"And last of all Sofia, Vivian and Hugo."

Sofia's POV

Yay! I'm with my two best friends! I honestly hope the project goes well.

I went over to Vivian's table and saw Hugo already there. I was in the middle of them. They were glaring at each other which made me very uncomfortable and surprised but then again their two opposites, Hugo is very sporty, outgoing, speaks his mind and Vivian is shy but as she used to be, she loves music, outgoing sometimes but that depends on what we doing together.

There was an awkward silence until Vivian said, "How about we work in my castle?" I nodded and went to the coach quickly until I heard my name from someone it was Hugo, Hugo shouted, "Hey Sofia wait for me!" So I waited until he got to me, I asked with my arms crossed my chest, "What do you want Hugo?" Hugo asked, "What's your friend Vivian like?" "She seems quite shy if you ask me." I said, "Hugo I'm friends with a lot of people for multiple different reasons at that." Look at me I'm friends with you and don't you judge a book by it's cover Hugo." "Vivian was shy but she has more friends because I helped her and I heard her out when no one else felt like they didn't understand her properly not even her parents." "Her parents tried to help her but with her shyness you know who did help." "Me I helped her and helped you by getting the Flying Crown for you and your family because I knew how important it was to you that you needed to win." James said, "Come on Sof!" I said, "Well I better get going see you later Hugo." I get in the coach and sit by myself.

James asked, "Everything okay Sof?" I sighed, "No I'm worried that being paired with my two best friends will cause havoc in the project." "I mean they're both two opposites and what if they fight over being my best friend or who is and who isn't" I groaned with my hands in my face. Amber said, "Don't worry Sofia hopefully that won't happen." I quickly got off the coach and changed and went Vivian's castle.

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