As Brandon looked up at him in amazement the Man of Steel as he offered his hand to him again 

Superman: Come with me. You can live with me and Lois. And I can teach you how to use your powers the right way. 

Brandon hesitated at first and then.......he did take Clarks hand

And he lifted him up but

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And he lifted him up but......

Brandon: I can't go with you. 

Superman: Brandon.....

Brandon: Look what I've done. To my home. To my family. To the friends I could have had. You. Lois. My mom never stopped believing there was good in me and I don't think I'll ever prove her right........if I don't make up for things on my own. 

Superman: I think your mother was right. But you going out on your may not be a wise decision. You've got a long way to make up for everything you done and......

Brandon: Exactly. I've done so many terrible things Clark. So many....that I have to work them out on my own as I did them on my own. Everything I done......was wrong. I see that now. You helped me see that cause.....I never had a real superior. A superior to guide me to the right path and see the error of my ways. So's my responsibility to clean the mess I made.  Help people instead of killing them. That's what I should have done before. And my arrogance cost me the only people who could have taught me that. I killed my parents Clark.....cause I became the monster they saw me becoming. And I can't fight that monster.....if I don't learn how to on my own. 

Superman: Brandon.......

Brandon: No. I have to. Please Superman. Try to understand......Brightburn needs me. Just like Metropolis needs you. I need to fix all the damage I done otherwise all I am is just a monster. 

Superman still wanted to talk him out of it but Brandon made it pointless for his mind was officially made up and so Clark nodded in understanding

Superman: Are you sure about this? 

Brandon: I'm not exactly sure. All I do know it's my only option. 

Superman: It doesn't have to be. I'll help if you let me.

Brandon: You already did. You showed me the right path. I now know what's really right. And what's really wrong. I never would if not for you. So thank you Clark. 

Superman nodded and Brandon turned away but.....he looked back to his new role model and gave him.....a mild grin

a mild grin

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Superman vs BrightburnWhere stories live. Discover now