The First Task

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    Classes were canceled for the day due to the First Task for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Everyone was so excited and I was as well; my two best friends would be competing! I ran down the hill to the Quidditch pitch and met up with Fred and George. They had Harry's name painted on their faces which made me laugh.
  We found out that the four champions would be retrieving a golden egg guarded by a dragon. My hands began to shake, and I shoved them in my pockets of my jacket before anyone could see. I was terrified for Cedric; I clutched the bracelet around my wrist and I saw the jewel beginning to glow and a calming feeling came over me. "The first champion to take on the dragon is Cedric Diggory!" Professor Dumbledore announced over the magical speakers. He walked from the tent at the base of the pitch, he wore his Hufflepuff Quidditch jersey and the crowd cheered for him. Fred, George, and I cheered the loudest for him. Cedric saw us and raised his hand to us, and then he concentrated on his task of retrieving the golden egg. Suddenly a giant Swedish Short-Snout dragon appeared from behind a mound of rocks and blew a brilliant blue flame towards Cedric, but he ducked out of the way just in time.  He looked nervous, but he didn't let it affect him. "Come on Cedric..." I whispered. Cedric took out his wand and cast a spell on a rock and transfigured it into a dog. The dragon went towards the dog while Cedric retrieved the egg!  The stands went crazy with applause "DIGGORY! DIGGORY!"  

The next day

Professor McGonagall announced to us that Hogwarts will be holding the Yule Ball. It was a dance! This would be held on Christmas and be held in the Great Hall. After watching Ron dance with Professor McGonagall I was in good spirits from laughing so hard. I knew I wanted to go with Cedric, and luckily he was tutoring me today.

  After our headmistress's announcement I had my tutoring session with Cedric. For some reason he wanted to meet at our spot in the courtyard instead of the library, but I didn't think anything of it. He was waiting for me by the tree and he looked nervous. "Hey Cedric." I greeted. "Hey Lydia." he smiled. We sat together on the bench, and I got my textbook out. "I've been getting better at the more complicated Charms, but there's still-"  I started to say, but Cedric politely stopped me. "Before we practice Charms today, I wanted to talk to you about something." "Okay?" I turned to listen. "You heard about the Ball, right?" he asked. I nodded, "Yes." "Um... Lydia, would you go to the Ball with me?" he asked nervously. I grinned, "Yes, I'd love to!" I hugged him. I was so happy he asked me out! He hugged me back and kissed me on the cheek! My heart beat excitedly and I felt like flying. His blue eyes lit up with happiness. "Thank you." Was I dreaming? No, it was another perfect moment. The Yule Ball would be the perfect place to reveal how I feel about Cedric.  "I'm looking forward to being your date." I told him still glowing from him kissing me. "I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole school." he said happily. It was adorable to see him so happy.

In the common room

    "He asked you?!" Hermione asked excitedly. "Yes!" I replied just as excited. "That's wonderful! You two will have fun together." she said encouraging. "Thank you, are you going to the Ball?" "Yes, and you'd never guess who with!" she exclaimed.  This sparked my interest. "Who asked you?" "Viktor Krum!" she squealed. My jaw dropped "You got the world famous Quidditch player Viktor Krum for your date?!" "Yes! We have gotten to know each other for awhile now and he seems like a sweet guy. Ron doesn't believe I have a date." she said glumly. "Well Ron is a prat, he just speaks before he thinks." I furrowed my eyebrows in irritation. I didn't understand why he was always so mean to Hermione.  "Maybe Cedric and I can double with you and Viktor." I suggested. She smiled gratefully. "That would be fun. Thanks Lydia."
Suddenly, Ginny and a few other students came into the common room guiding a traumatized Ron. "What happened to you?" Harry asked. "He just asked Fleur Delacour out." Ginny replied. "What did she say?" Harry asked again. "No of course." Hermione said. Ron shook his head. "She said yes?!" she asked covering her mouth in awe. "Don't be silly. There she was walking by and it just sort of slipped out." Ron was pale with embarrassment. "What did you do then?" I asked my brother. "What else? I ran for it." he looked at Harry. "I'm not cut out for this Harry. I don't know what got into me." "Hi Harry." Padma and Parvati Patil walked by. Harry got an idea and asked Parvati out while Ron asked Padma. The Ball was going to be a magical night.

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