Ten || Lemonade

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     Rome wasn't built in a day, I whisper to myself, in the moments when frustration and fear churn in my stomach. But Rome wasn't on a three-month deadline, that small voice shouts back.


  "Fresh lemonade," I call from the kitchen, as I hear the stampede of feet clambering inside from the hot noon-day sun. 

  "You're quite the hostess," I hear Scarlett tease. "All for us?"

  "Who else?" I chime back. 

     It was a few days before, at dinner, I'd had the bright idea of letting Scarlett bring the boys from the hideout to the ranch. Uncle Deacon, of course, was reticent at the idea of strangers in his home, but I assured them it was good for business. 

     Out-of-towners, I told him, echoing his words. Could be good for the ranch.

     Cawley, Earl and John-Joe grab a glass of lemonade each, their eyes wide with glee from the sights of the fields and stables on this calm, windless day. Cawley nearly collapsed when Uncle Deacon shook his hand. The image burned into my mind to make me laugh every time I think of it. 

  "Ruby, I can't tell you how excited we are to be here," Earl tells me as he takes a sip. 

  "I'm glad to have you guys here," I reply. 

     And I do, it's the first time the house feels like a home. I feel a spring in my step, even if the rest of my muscles are still aching. 

  "And Mr Taylor--" Cawley interjects. "He's-- He's so--"

  "What this lump of clay is trying to say, Ruby," John-Joe laughs. "Is thank you for your hospitality."

  "I like you guys, and Scarlett never stops talking about you," I tell them. "Any friend of hers is a friend of mine."

     I hope, in time, this will be the first day of a new friendship with these boys, their bright faces lighting up my day. They're honest people, to a fault sometimes, but there's not a hint of malice or deceit slithering its way to snap at anyone. 

  "Ruby!" I hear a gruff voice and a slamming door cutting through the ambience of the house. 


  "What?" I call back, as he rounds the corner, his face red and his brow glistening with a bead of sweat. 

      All of us are hot, the windless afternoon making for quite the sticky situation and even the fan in the corner is struggling to make a difference. 

  "Where's Dusk?" He asks breathlessly. 

     Cawley, Earl, John-Joe and Scarlett glance between Beau and I, their eyes moving back and forth like a tennis match, silent spectators as Beau interrupts into my afternoon. 

  "What do you mean? She's in the field," I tell him. "I took her out this morning."

  "Well she's not there," he hits back. "And you left the gate wide open."

  "What?" My voice falters. "No, I closed the gate, I always do."

I head straight to the back door, looking out over the empty stretch of fields, for any sign of her. There is none to find. 

     Beau's right. 

     My eyes turn back to the group, our lovely afternoon now butchered with Beau's news. I look at them apologetically, as the commotion of Beau's frustration makes Uncle Deacon enter the scene. 

  "What's going on?" He asks, his eyes beaming straight at me. 

     I am frozen. 

  "I--" I falter. I don't want to have to tell him, and I can feel my eyes fill up with tears. 

     I wait for Beau to lay the truth out, like my neck for the guillotine. 

  "I... I need Ruby to help me fix one of the posts for the new stables," Beau says, not meeting my Uncle's glance. 

  "Ruby's got company," Uncle Deacon gestures to our silent audience, all of them gripped. "I can help if you need it, Beau."

  "Actually," Scarlett cuts in. "Mr Taylor, the boys were wondering about... Uhh..." She fades, starting so strong. 

  "Cawley and Earl want to know about renting a stable for Derby season," I finish, the idea popping into my brain suddenly. 

  Uncle Deacon hesitates a moment, shocked at the idea. I nod, smiling a little, trying to feign a calm exterior. He coughs a little, trying to ready himself as a businessman. 

  "Of course, boys," he nods, grabbing his hat. "I can show you around while Ruby helps Beau, here."

     Cawley and Earl look fit to burst with excitement. My hair-brained scheme seems to have worked, the boys either unaware or just happy at the turn of events. I wish it were the only problem I had to solve. 

  "Of course Mr Taylor, sir," Earl and Cawley reply almost in unison. 

     The two of them follow out of the door like puppies, distracted with the personal tour to remember my dilemma. John-Joe and Scarlett follow behind, hesitating to give a quick nod and a goodbye. 

  "I'm sorry," I tell them, my heart racing at the thought of Dusk. "I'll make it up to you guys."

  "Go get that horse, missy," John-Joe crows. "We can wait."

     I waste no more time and make my way out into the sticky air to look for Dusk -- With nothing but a whistle to coax her back and a grumpy farmhand by my side. 


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