Chapter 5: Blessé

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While Russia was showering, he suddenly heard the Canadian yelling.

"KUMAHIRO DON'T TOUCH THAT!" He heard. Heavens to the Betsey, he didn't want to know.

Russia came out of the bathroom, only dressed in dress shirt, pants, and of course, his scarf. Kumajirou laid flat on his stomach on the bed, Canada had flung him over there, and Canada was standing up in front of his chair. The boy's face was a bright red and he clutched onto that "special curl" the bear had pulled so it would not be pulled again. He looked like he was panicking a bit, he was pouting and all nervous.

Russia looked at the Canadian, then to the bear, then back to the Canadian. "What happened?"

"N-N-Nothing!" Canada stuttered. Kumajirou slowly raised himself back up and looked at the Russian.

"Cada made a funny sound." The bear giggled.

"Kumario be quiet!" Canada's face was still very red. "N-Nothing happened, just shut it."

"Matvey your face is a different color." Russia said. "Your very red da?"

Canada's face got brighter. He scooped up Kumajirou, "I-I'll be back later," and ran out the door. He slammed the door behind him, leaving Russia a bit confused.

Canada leaned against the wall of the hotel's hallway, clearly embarrassed. "W-What was that for? I told you to never touch that!"

Kumajirou was still giggling a bit. "I know but that was funny"

"It was not!" Canada pouted.

"Canada?" He suddenly heard England's voice. Canada looked up from his fight with the bear to see the Brit standing there, confused at what he was seeing.

"B-Britain." Canada stuttered. "Um H-hello."

"Hello?" England was still a bit confused, maybe even concerned.

"So um how are you?"


"Oh good. I uh heard America say you were sick."

"Oh right." England's tone got all annoyed.

"What? What he do?"

"I can't even tell you, Alfred is just so obnoxious sometimes, I'll leave it at that." England crossed his arms while talking, all Canada could think about is how England called America Alfred, he usually didn't call anyone by their human names.

"Oh…" Canada said, not really knowing what else to say.

"So." England changed the subject to something he was really curious about, "Why were you in Russia's room?" Canada froze. He was trying to keep this a secret from America, England,everyone. If Ukraine or Belarus knew, he didn't care, but if England knew, he would certainly tell America. If America knew, Canada would have to endure another "That commie is evil and mean and a bastard and this and that and point is, don't go near him!" speech from him. Again.

Everyone knew how much America and Russia didn't get along, they worked together when they had to during wars and such, but the two didn't like each other's ways. During the whole "McCarthyism" thing in the 1920s-1950s (or around that time) at America's place, he started to hate Russia more with the whole "communism" thing. Understandable, Canada first thought. America's country a bit torn up over the idea, everyone selling each other out to prove their own innocence of not being a communist in the country. America didn't like it, he hated it, he feared it, just like this people did. But the whole thing ended eventually and life went back to normal. America, kept complaining and going on about his hatred though, he wouldn't admit the fear that he had really.

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