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Yoongi was the heartthrob of the entire high school. Even tho he was labeled as the bad boy and the guy who will punch you in your face if you tried to mess with him.

His bad-boy image didn't matter to most of the students or teachers in the school, why? Cuz he was very smart, talented and with just his gummy smile he melted many people's hearts in minutes. You will find girls fawning whenever he crossed the corridors of their classrooms squealing Oppa Oppa you're so handsome, you're cool blah blah and boys be getting jealous or aroused by his mare presence. His aura was just too powerful.

He smiled very rarely, most of the time he's either scowling or have a bad mood with cold cat-like eyes glaring at anyone who came in his proximity.

His gummy smile was reserved for only one person and that person was Kim namjoon.

And who was Kim Nam Joon?


Since childhood yoongi was very protective of Joon. The tall chubby apple-like cheeks boy was the sweetest person you will ever meet.

Kim namjoon was adorable, clumsy, and smart. Everyone was attracted to him.  Anyone who spends even a little moment with him is to fell deeply in love with him. And yoongi was no exception.

Even though he had feelings for namjoon he never admitted to himself, always brushing off the feelings thinking it was just a kid's crush which will eventually fade away with time. But the thing was it never did, it only grew stronger every fuckin passing day and he was frustrated and angry.

Even though the year's been passed, but he's still debating his feelings.


His blood was boiling like molten lava. There in front of him just a few meters away namjoon is standing by his locker, but the thing is he's not alone, if he was alone or if he was with any of his friends then yoongi would have been fine, like totally fine.

But no, there was this boy who is a total fuck boy who was trying to flirt with his namjoon.

The boy even dared to ask namjoon out. Nah yoongi was not fine with it, not even by a bit.

He inhaled calmly and exhale his anger out, slowly.

With a smirk, he followed the boy into the boy's washroom. Somebody is gonna get a broken nose today.


So joonie what did the cute boy said.

Ahhh what, what are you talking about Jimin...(namjoon said nervously).

"Cut the crap and spill the tea ..ok
I saw you two..that guy is so into you"
Hahahaa jimin teasingly said with a grin on his face...

"Ah ...ahhh that, that was nothing jimin ..he was just asking me to help him in the science project nothing else".

"And since when did boys started to take interest in me"..namjoon looked down with a sad smile but quickly smiled back cheerfully ...

'Hy don't forget Today's yoongi's birthday ok. I'm very excited you know jimin".

"It's been what..10 years maybe since we became friends..and today is his 18th birthday
I want him to remember this day".
And namjoon continued talking about yoongi's birthday party. Thought it would distract jimin a bit.

Jimin looked at namjoon's dreamy face. So innocent and pure that you want to keep him with you forever and never let this angel go.

Jimin knows why no guy or girl comes near namjoon, asks him out, or anything. It's all because of someone who's always there keeping an eye on namjoon's every move and also to those who try to come closer to him.

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