until I found you

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Namjoon was born into a family whose caste was deemed nothing, a mere fleck of dust. His mother was lucky enough to get a job at Kim's household but at a modest wage. Working dusk till dawn, whenever his mother returned to their shabby servant's quarter, she used to shower him with love and with delicious bread and buns that his mother would sometimes sneak from the kitchen of Kim's household.

He would eat mouth full of bread sitting on his mother's lap, smiling and giggling as his mother would continue to caress his head lovingly. Even though they were poor, he never felt sad or discouraged by the circumstances he and his mother were in, even with all the discrimination and inequality, they were living their lives just fine.

Until one day when namjoon's lovely mother died due to an incurable disease. He didn't get any help from their master, and even the doctors decline to help his mother, cuz she was a low-born, people believed that even a touch from a low-born could bring bad omen even for those who touched them by mistake.

His mother died a very painful death and until her last breath, he was just begging the people to help them but none helped him and his mother in misery. Even to buy a few inches of land to bury his expired mother he didn't have any and for that, he had to borrow quite a lot of money from the lady of Kim's household for his mother's funeral and that debt kept on increasing every year as he was unable to pay such a big amount.

He alone bid his mother goodbye with a last kiss on her cold forehead and let them bury her, first a lone tear made its way, and just a second later a heart-wrenching cry followed. Kneeling before his mother's grave he cried and cried without sight of tomorrow.

With nowhere to turn to, all he had left was that household and the memories of his mother, maybe it was what was written in his destiny, to live a life stuck in a spider's web just like how his mother had been stuck in that household.

The only thought in his mind was that his life will be short just like his mother's, growing up in that household he got used to all the beatings he'll get whenever he broke something expensive or just simply for entertainment for their children. Namjoon's life was miserable but his smile was still everlasting.

His mother had taught him to be good and just, kind and loving. She always said that his smile had healing properties and whenever he smiles his smile warms people's hearts.

And that's what he will do, smile.


The annual mating run was at the doors step, and namjoon eagerly wanted to take part in it, but lower caste people and especially omegas weren't allowed to participate in it.

And with that any hopes of finding a mate fade away.

A low-born like him cannot take part in the mating run.

His mother was like a flower, so innocent and beautiful, she wanted to find a mate, her destined one. She wanted to be a part of the mating run but the elders decline her request, she was mocked for her bravery, they said a low-born like her suited best in someone's bed as a prostitute, and when she opposed she was assaulted and raped and impregnated with him.

She gave birth to him and raised him with love instead of burning hate. Because for her he was her son not a product of rape.

She always used to say that all the pains of the world are acceptable to her because she found namjoon in the middle of those pains. And that he was her angel who took away all her misery and healed her aching heart.

Namjoon grew up in her arms, warm and secure and suddenly she was no more. It was difficult to learn and live without her. But somehow he learned the way to live and earn himself 3 times meals every day.

It has been years, and still namjoon reminisces about her dimpled smile and her kind words.

The ring of the doorbell made him run to the main door, he gently opened the door and let the afternoon light hit his sun-kissed face. The face of the council member sir Choi graced him. He invited him inside the house and asked them to sit in the living room. Meanwhile, he went to fetch madam, Kim.

He knocked on the door of her room and waited for a response. "come in" came madam Kim's deep voice. He opened the door and walked to where Mrs. Kim was sitting.

"madam, Mr. Choi is here," told namjoon.

That day, maybe it was fate or Mrs. Kim's greed. But he was chosen to be a part of the Annual Mating Run for the Right To Mate as the representative from the Kim household on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Kim's daughter.


Jeon Jungkook the son of the head alpha lord Jeon Jaehyun came back to the kingdom after 3 years of intense training from the crescent moon pack who were known for their skills in archery and swordsmanship.

The news of his arrival was kept a secret as per jungkook's request. The only day the people of his kingdom will know of his arrival will be on the
day of the mating run.

He plans to finally take a mate and fulfill the wish of his father.

______to be continued________________

Hello after a long long time, I know I've taken quite a long time to update anything for which I'm deeply sorry. The only thing I can say is life has become hectic and tiring.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, this has one more part so I hope you guys will wait for It. I hope I'll complete the other part soon and update it here.

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