Until I Found you pt-3

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Jungkook x namjoon 🔞


Adapting to a new place was a bit difficult for namjoon. The constant attention and pampering he received at the Jeon palace made him feel somewhat uncomfortable. Being treated delicately and with extreme caution, as if he were fragile and easily broken, was a stark contrast to what he was used to.

Back at the Kim mansion, he was treated as nothing more than dirt. Despite toiling away at household chores from dawn till dusk, all he received in return were meager scraps of days-old bread and bland soup to quiet the rumbling in his stomach. Life within the walls of the Kim Mansion was filled with starving days and sleepless nights, no rest, he wasn't even given a day off, and he somewhat became used to all the beating and the abuse.

It all felt so different to him. Here, he was finally being provided with proper meals, and he had good clothes to wear. And above all, he had a room—a real room with a comfortable bed. However, he was sharing that said room with his to-be mate.

It just all felt surreal, a dream too good to be real. He would have never believed it possible, not even in his most daring fantasies; he could think about being chosen by the Prince of the kingdom. The memory of that fateful day still haunted him—the day when Minho's dark intentions nearly led to his violation. The darkness took over, and his consciousness slipped away. But when he regained awareness, he found himself met with an unexpected sight; there, he was greeted with the sight of a very concerned and handsome alpha holding his hand delicately. It was as if the alpha believed that should he let go; everything might vanish into thin air.

Despite sharing the same bed, the alpha had always respected his boundaries. The alpha never made any inappropriate advances or attempted to cross any lines. Instead, he treated him with sincere politeness and gentleness, which greatly amazed him.

They would spend nights together, talking about dreams and fears, and the alpha will sometime crack a joke or two to make him laugh. As the days went by, their connection deepened, and he felt more at ease. The alpha provided him with a sense of safety. The alpha would take him for walks in the garden and spend time with him during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He spent as much time as he could. Whenever he was free from his royal duties, he would bring him books and flowers as gifts.

Whenever the alpha looked at him with his dazzling bunny-like smile, he felt a mix of shyness and excitement. The alpha's gaze made him blush and feel giddy as if he held a special place in the alpha's eyes.

As time passed, the seasons changed, reflecting the evolving stages of their relationship. By the time winter arrived,  he knew that he had fallen miserably for the alpha prince. The realization brought both joy and a hint of melancholy, for he knew that his heart now belonged to someone who may be beyond his reach.


Jungkook's heart clenched as he witnessed the horrifying scene unfolding before his eyes. In that fateful moment, he knew with absolute certainty that it was love at first sight. The sight of the omega, their face etched with fear and vulnerability, and the alpha's forceful advances ignited a raging fury within him, surpassing any explanation.

At that moment, he ripped the vile alpha off of the omega and beat him till he was sure the alpha was barely breathing. Seeing the omega's trembling figure, he knew it was time for him to hold the omega in his arms and protect him fiercely for the rest of their life.

As the days unfolded, Jungkook remained mindful of his actions and took great care in his approach toward the omega. He knew the importance of creating a safe and comfortable space for the omega, and thus, he maintained a respectful distance.

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