Soon the house was filled with chatter and life. All the cousins ran around playing with each other. Their cute laughs filled the room of course the more baby ones were sitting down in the playpen together. She watched them in amusement and thought of the day they would all go together some years apart but many of the cousins would be classmates. Her train of thought was abruptly stopped as her name was called by her mom who popped out of the kitchen to ask her help. She got up a little wobbly from the table and made her way to the kitchen, quickly giving Harry a peck on the cheek as she passed by him.

"Hi, Ginny darling how have you been?"

"Hi mum, I'm good how are you I've missed you and dad a lot," she said to her mum and gave her a big hug.

That might have been her mistake as her mom looked at her with a very puzzled face and tried to decipher what she was hiding. Molly was famous for analyzing one by just staring deep into their eyes. It scared the living merlin out of her, it always did. She held her mum's stare as much as she could until she diverted her eyes and tried to change the subject by grabbing a tower of plates and laying them out on the table. Her mom looked at her from the side of her ye while they both chatted and caught up on everything. She told her mom all about the two children and lives with them now. Her words got caught in the middle of her throat forming a not when she saw the cake her mom had made. It was Fred's favorite and she realized today was the twin's birthday. Such a long time had passed yet the memories and the pain was still fresh as if was yesterday. Her mom placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and whispered " I know I miss him too every single day".

The pair held each other for a moment before grabbing the plates and walking out of the kitchen and into the living room to set the table for the guests. Harry was chatting with Hermionie and Ron. They were laughing away at something inaudible to her Ginny's ears. She always loved their friendship over the years. George, Percy, Fleur, and Audrey were talking by the fireplace while watching the children play. She loved her family, they were not much status wise but they were her happiness. All of them were survivors and the best gift life had given her. She finished placing the last of the bowls of food on the table before calling the family to the table to eat.

"Hey, Guys! Lunch is ready to come to eat!"

God somethings never seemed to change, did they? Ron practically dashed tripping over his shoes to get to the table and stuff his face with a chicken drum. He never changed, Hermionie on the other hand came with a very displeased look on her face and smacked Ron upside the head.

"You never stop eating do you?!"

My brother look both shocked and slightly guilty as he slightly shrugged at his wife. The rest of us all laughed in unity. Some things never change around here and that is perfect by me. Everyone sat around the table and started telling stories of their days. Harry sat beside me and put a hand on my thigh. The rest of the evening was very tranquil until dessert came around. Hermionie got up with Fleur to help Molly with the plates and the dessert. As the three of them came out of the kitchen with a recognizable expression painted on their faces. I of course knew what it was and whispered in harry's ear the motive of their grief-ridden faces. Harry and I got up quickly and I went over to George's side whilst Harry stood by Ron as mum placed the cake on the table.

" Im glad everyone is here today and I would like to take a moment to celebrate George's Birthday and.. our dear Fred..who is not here with u-us.." Mum's words left her and her voice broke like glass into a thousand shards I stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder and continued the speech.

He will always be with us in spirit and strength. I ask that you not remember Fred as his last moments but as who he was before. That silly, funny redhead who always followed his twin. The twins are the life of the family they always have been. There was never a dull moment with them. With the shop, everything was so amazing there. Im proud of calling them, my brothers. Oh and the countless times mum confused the both of them and they would pull pranks. I remember at Ron and Harry's first year at the platform where mum called Fred first to crosse the barrier and they said "That's not Fred I am, honestly woman and you call yourself our mother." Rascals the both of you were I said looking at my brother. In the end, Fred died laughing doing what he did best being a brave wizard. We must look past the sadness and find the funny memories at this moment. Celebrate the life of George as he would have done it. Laugh and live as he would've done it because he would've wanted us to be happy and laughing not sad on his birthday. So now George I love you so much and happy birthday dear brother.

After dessert was over and done with I took all the kids outside to play and run around together. I sat in the middle of the grassy meadow that surrounded our home and thought of life. I remembered Fred's Funeral and a very broken George standing over the brown polished wooden casket that contained his twin. He gripped the side of it as it was the only thing keeping him from falling to his knees in a heap. I gripped onto Harry and cried into his shoulder while he held me up. I tried not to cry too much so I could support my family. At the end of the funeral when they were closing the casket and lowering him into the pit that had been carefully made for him George placed a single white rose on his brother grave and one of their famous Weasley wizard wheezes. With sadness written on his face and a thousand memories flying through his eyes he turned to mum and said "Now you can tell us apart mum" with a feeble smile on his lips he hugged mum and dad and collapsed to the floor crying.

She liked to imagine that he would someday be Gryffindor's house ghost and would make all the kids laugh. Since Sir Nicholas lost his head in the battle. It's said that he finally got into the headless hunters. Fred would make an amazing house ghost and probably would get all of the kids into trouble teaching them the mischief he once did. Eventually, he would get to meet his nieces and nephews as the next generation of Weasley/Potters/Grangers would roll into the school. I hope that wherever he is he is at peace.

With a single tear rolling down her cheeks she looked into the sunset and admired the beauty of the children playing and the reddish sun setting underneath the line of trees. Laying back she closed her eyes and let out a sigh of bittersweet happiness. Oddly enough I found peace in the violence that took place.


Hey Guys!

A bit of a sad chapter for you guys today but I had to do it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and be on the lookout for the next one!

Also thank you all for the support it means the world to me and you guys are the best thing that has. happened to me!

Special thanks to my wonderful friend and editor 

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