Ch. 29

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Looking at her reflection in the mirror Ginny tried to decide what to wear for the day. She stripped her pajamas and caressed her baby bump that was now very prominent. Ginny knew she couldn't keep it hidden from the family. Just then her phone rang from the bathroom counter where she had left it. Hermione's voice rang clear through the phone


"Hi, Mionie. What's going on.

"Oh, I was wondering what time you and the kids were going to arrive. Ron is getting quite impatient."

"I don't know Mionie maybe like at 3? I'm waiting for Harry."

"Great, it will be nice for all the kids to gather together and play."

"Yeah, for sure. I will see you soon, Harry just walked into the house and I have to finish getting ready."

She heard the line die and made her way out of the bathroom with her phone still in her hand. To say she was nervous was an understatement. Her hand was trembling worse than a leaf in the wind. Harry entered the room to find a trembling Ginny struggling to find a dress or outfit that would hide her bump. Nothing was fitting right and he knew she was getting frustrated and stressed out. So he approached the closet and pulled out this oversized black hoodie with some white rose imprint on the sides of the sleeves and some oversized loose waist jeans to match with the hoodie. Finally, for her shoes, he picked her white high tops and handed it to her while giving her a peck on the cheek. He came in and took her hands in his own reassuring her. He knew Ginny was nervous to tell her parents about the baby and that why she was trying to cover it up even though they both knew that it was going to be inevitable soon.

There wasn't much they could do to hide the bump as it was growing as each day went by. He would have already told them but he respected his wife's decision. Ginny looked stunning in the very casual attire he picked out for her. Ginny smiled when she caught him staring at her with a small smile playing on his lips. He blushed as he got caught red-handed looking at her and admiring her beauty. he could get lost in her chocolate brown eyes. Suddenly he was taken back to his first year and back to the moment he first met her. This small red-headed girl with a soft voice who looked at him with her soft eyes and wished him good luck right before he ran into the platform that would take him to the school that changed his life.

30 minutes later the couple and both children were headed out to the Weasleys house for the family gathering and Ginny was having a hard time calming down enough for her chest not to be visibly rising and falling at an alarmingly fast pace. Soon they pulled up to the cozy house and were greeted by this mouthwatering smell of food coming out from the kitchen window. It smelled like roasted chicken and mashed potatoes. Ginny took Harry's hand into her as she walked towards the house. Coming back to her house was always hard especially around this time when it was inevitable to miss her older brother. That wound never healed for her or her brother George. He was never the same since his twin's death. As she walked into the house she was tackled by a certain cheery girl. Hermionie greeted the pair with a big hug and a warm smile. A small curly-haired redhead girl came in padding towards me and attached herself to my leg like a leach. I looked down at the top of her head and patted her smiling at my niece. She was the spitting image of Hermione just that with her father's red hair.

Rose Granger-Weasley was their first daughter and very bright like her mom. She called in Teddy and Victoire -Weasley came running in to meet her friend. Teddy's eyes lit up when he saw his best friend charging at him at full speed. It was so heartwarming to see the children grow up together and get along. Meanwhile, James kept close to her as he was a bit shy so he tagged along with them until Ron came into the room his mouth covered in powdered sugar holding Rose's hand. James left my side in a blink of an eye to go say hi to his uncle and play with Rose. The rest of the Weasley soon began arriving through apparating or floo powder.

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