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Being held in his arms made her feel safe and secure. He made her feel like the luckiest woman alive which she was. Back when the news of their engagement spread there were loads of rumors about how she was only marrying him for the money and for the fame. Harry is the only survivor to Voldemort he was famous it only stopped when she and Harry both announced their love for one another at the wedding ceremony.  Now with their family, everything felt alright, this new baby that's on the way just felt like one more missing piece in the family.  The piece that was going to bond them all together and make them even closer. The family itself was already expecting many grandchildren not only from the Potter's. But from Hermione's side as well. With the news of the new baby that was on the way, the family was thrilled to announce it at the next family meeting.  Soon she drifted off to sleep with a warm feeling in her heart. Her dreams where beautiful of her family and her kids walking together through the green woods.

The next morning she woke up with the routine morning sickness and craving that were out of hand. Poking Harry on the stomach to get him to quickly get up and do her pregnant bidding.  He got on his feet and followed her to the bathroom, holding her hair as she retched and disposed of the content in her belly into the toilet bowl. She washed her mouth after she was done rinsing it as best as she could trying to get rid of the foul taste and burn in her mouth.

Meanwhile, her husband quickly went down to the kitchen to whip up so food to feed to her. All her favorite breakfast foods. She laid on the bed and turned on the tv turning it to the news both muggle and magical. Tapping on the window made her peel her eyes from the screen and turn to look over at the window. A little grey owl sat on the window sill a scroll tied to his right leg. She wobbled over to the window and opened it carefully as not to hurt the small bird. As soon as she took the letter away from the bird who would not stay still for the life of him she recognized the seal of the letter. it was her family's seal. She quickly opened the letter it was an invitation to a family dinner three days from now.  Her heart raced, this would be the perfect chance to tell her family about the arrival of their baby but then again maybe she would keep it to her self until she could not do it anymore.

Maybe she could keep it to herself until she was 5 months away from her due date. Hopefully, by then, she will be able to muster up the courage to stand up at the family reunion and announce her pregnancy to everyone. She wished the gender of the baby will be a girl. There have been many boys born into the family already.  She knew her husband wanted a boy to play baseball with and teach him how to play quidditch. In the end, she didn't care that much about the gender of the baby she just wanted to meet him or her already.

The hours ticked by and her husband left for his job leaving her alone to her thoughts. He could not take any more leaves from the office since it was their second child and they would not be happy if he kept on leaving.  By the time the fourth hour past on by, she was desperate to do something. She walked over to her baby's room and picked James out of his crib. She changed him and fed him. Walking out of the house and throughout the passage that led to the garage, she considered aparating but did not want to have to submit her baby to that just yet. Instead, she took the car and drove all the way to the woods. She stapped him to his baby chair and started the car. 

Pulling up at the edge of the woods she saw the familiar green path that she used to stroll thought when she wanted to clear her head before James was born. She picked James up and placed him on her right hip grabbing a blanket and walking into the peaceful woods. The tall green trees surrounded her and provided her with shade. There were birds perched on trees chirping away calling for something unknown. Little animals ran beside them across the tree line disappearing into the foliage. Squirrels ran up trees eating nuts farm up ina branch away from any disturbance.

Soon she arrived by this lake with tree coverage and little fish swimming int the waters and deer jumping around in the background. There was a rock formation that made it look like a hidden cove. The color of the water was stunning icy blue and there were different types of fish swimming underneath. She never went in because it was deep. Placing the blanket in the cove and laying down baby James on it. Occasionally when the rain would pour the water rises and cover the floor of the cove-like cavern. Just like it would by the seaside. She liked the peacefulness of the place. Laying down on the blanket she turned to her side and cuddled with her baby.  Some hours went by and she woke up with a start.  The sun was starting to set above the treeline. The blue waters reflected the orange sun with hues of pink. She casted a Patronus letting Harry know where she was so he would not worry. she looked at James who was playing with his hand in the water splashing water around.  It was calming just too look at him. Not long after she picked him up and started walking back down the pathway and back to her car to head to her home before it got too late.

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