chapter twenty-four

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When they arrived at the tower, a sense of familiarity washed over Peter.
He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door, sliding to the edge of his seat. He set his feet on the ground, debating whether to ask for help.
"Happy, help me with the kid," Tony said, closing his door and standing in front of Peter with his arms crossed, watching as Happy made his way around the car.
Happy and Tony stood in front of him, lingering with uncertainty.
"Uh," Peter started. "I'll stand first, and then- and then... I don't know. What then?"
"Then we'll carry you like those paramedics did," Tony said, clasping his hands together.
Peter nodded before setting his good foot on the ground. He grabbed the sides of the car and stood on his one foot, leaning so his other was hovering above the ground. That's when Happy and Tony swept in, gently lifting him. Happy had to crouch to Tony's height so Peter wasn't on the verge of breaking his arms. The sight made him giggle, which made Happy scoff.

They were given rather interesting looks when they walked into the building.

     It was a slow process to get to the medbay, but when they did, the nurse immediately rushed them into a room.
     "It's not that bad," he promised her, referring to her haste.
     "If it's broken it could heal incorrectly," she explained. "We're on a time crunch because of your healing factor. Stand here."
     He stood where she told him to, watching as she pulled the machine towards him. She told him to stand as still as he could, and then stood behind a wall with a class panel, bending down to look at her computer screen. The machine whirred, spinning around Peter, and stopped after a moment.
"It's broken," the nurse confirmed, looking at him from over her computer screen. He figured she was looking at his X-Ray. Tony and Happy were also looking at the screen with furrowed brows, clearly unhappy with the news.
"Oh," Peter said, a bit dumbfounded.
"We'll need to get you in a cast right away," the nurse told them, watching as Tony and Happy picked Peter back up.
"Okay," Peter said, nodding.
"Follow me," the nurse beckoned, walking out the door and down the hallway. The two men followed along, setting Peter down on the patient's table.
     "This won't take too long," the nurse said, beginning the process of casting.

     After a short period of time, Peter's leg was encased in a plaster shell.
     "Thank you," he smiled at the nurse.
     "Oh, and you'll need crutches. Because of the cast, you won't be able to bend your knee. Also, I don't want you applying any pressure on the injury, so you can't walk on it."
     "Okay," he said, nodding. "How long will it be until I'm healed?"
     "Usually, six to eight weeks. However for you, I'd guess two."
     "That's still a long time," he sighed. The nurse looked at him sympathetically, but didn't say anything.
     "Let's get you to your room, yeah? I can make you some hot chocolate or something," Tony said, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder.
     "Yes please," Peter smiled.

Peter spent the rest of the day relaxing. The crutches hurt the underneath of his arms, so he ended up sitting around as much as he could. He'd texted his friends as soon as he could, and they'd been relieved. They'd been released from the hospital quickly, as the paramedics said they would. He wondered about asking if he could have them over, but didn't want to overstep his boundaries.
Though, when Tony saw Peter's eyes light up when he talked about his friends, he'd asked if the kids wanted to come over. And, of course, Peter said yes.

The school had released a statement about what had happened, and they'd pardoned the students from school for the rest of the week. He'd wondered how long it would take for the damage to be fixed, and if some of the classes would have to be moved into the gym. He supposed he'd find out the following Monday.

Peter's friends came over on Thursday, just two days after the traumatic event. He'd crutched his way to the entrance of the building to greet them, Tony by his side ("What if you fall?!"). Though he was sure he wouldn't fall, the man had insisted to come anyway.
     Peter's friends walked in with faces of awe. MJ looked more impressed than shocked, and Ned, well...
     "Oh my God," Ned said, sputtering. "Hi Iron Man! I mean- Mr Stark!"
     Tony chuckled in response.
     "What about me?" Peter whined. "I'm right here!"
     "Hi Peter," MJ said, amused.
     "Thank you, MJ."
     The group made their way to the elevators, and soon enough, Ned was functioning properly again.

     Tony had assisted them to the living room and left them to watch movies; they settled on watching as many movies of the Harry Potter saga they could because MJ was tired of watching Star Wars with them. They made popcorn and eventually, when night fell, some of the avengers stumbled in.
     "What's for dinner?" Bucky asked no one in particular.
     "You kids want pizza?" Tony asked, sitting at the island (he'd taken a quick break from working on some new machine).
     "Kids?" Steve whipped around. "Oh, hi Peter!"
     "Hi Mr Rogers! Do you want some popcorn?" He offered, holding up the bowl.
     "No thanks, kid. Who are your friends?" He walked over and Peter paused the movie.
     "This is Ned and MJ! They were released from the hospital so they came over!"
     "Oh my God!" Ned's eyes widened. "Captain America!"
     "Calm down, your eyes might pop out of your skull," MJ commented, earning a chuckle from the group.
     "Nice to meet you," Steve smiled and walked away so they could unpause the movie.
     "Pizza?" Tony asked again, an eyebrow raised.
     "Sure Mr Stark! Thanks!" Peter called back, shooting a smile over the couch and turning back to the movie.

Tonight's dinner was informal. The teens ate pizza as they watched the movie, and some of the adults joined them, but most either left or hovered in the kitchen chatting.
"Look Mr Rogers it's you," Peter cackled, pointing to Dumbledoor. Wanda, who was sat next to MJ, snorted, and Sam clapped Peter's back with a big grin. MJ had an amused grin on her face, while Ned's eyes popped out.
"Watch yourself, kid," Steve shook his head, though he had a smile of his own.

It seemed like things would be okay.. For now, at least.

author's note;

hi!!! i hope you enjoyed today's chapter! please vote and comment if you did<3

i did some research but i've never broken my knee so if something is incorrect please excuse it! 😅

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