Chapter 22: The Beginning of our Love Story

Start from the beginning


When we finally arrive, he parks and then turns off the car . He gets out and opens the backseat door to grab the basket he placed in the car before we left .

"Hold on, I'm going to set up , is it okay if I leave you here alone, love?" He asks .

"I..I don't have a choice , Izuku," I sadly smile at him .

"Oh! Sorry, doll, I'll unlock it in a second," he says , grabbing the basket and closing the backseat door .

He walks over to my side to unlock the handcuff that has my wrist trapped .

Once he unlocks it, I push him back and get out the car .

He stumbles backwards a bit before finding his balance . He shoots me a glare and that lets me know he's on guard .

"I needed room to get out of the car...damn," I said, like it was the most obvious thing ever .

He eyes me carefully before muttering an "Okay."

He grabs my free hand and leads to me to an abandoned amusement park .

"Uhm, why are we here?" I ask him, slowly getting excited by looking at all the rides .

"We're on our first date, doll," he whispered into my ear .

"D-Date?" I squeaked in surprise . " didn't a-ask me-" I tell him .

"I didn't need to, doll," he states , as he began working on trying to get the Farris wheel to work . "I'll always get what I want ," he says .

"Well, you can't have me!" I shout, getting angry .

"You're here, aren't you?" He raises his eyebrow, waiting for my answer .

"Well, y-yeah, because you kidnapped me-" I start .

"Exactly, I kidnapped you, so therefore I have what I want, right?" He cheekily smiles .

I went silent, looking away from him . Trying to compose myself .

I close my eyes and slowly inhale and exhale . "Bastard," I thought .

"You said we'd discover my actual 'potential,' we're at a park," I said.

"Date," he corrected me . "I didn't say when we would discover it. For right now, I want to have fun with you," he says .

Next thing I know, lights are flickering before they actually come on .

"Yes!" He excitedly shouted, proud that he finally got the Ferris Wheel to start working .

"Who's going to stay down here to stop the ride when we get off?" I ask him, trying to make him feel stupid .

"Oh, doll, I already have that figured out . Don't worry, come on," he picks up the basket filled with foods and goods, and grabs my hand . He leads me to a seat, I get in first and then he gets in.

He sets the basket in his lap, and closes the gate to lock us in place .

The ride starts to lift us up in the air. A breeze of wind hits my face , pushing my long black hair back.

He opens the basket and pulls out a chick fil a bag. (A/N: Listen, alright💀 . I'm hungry asf and I want some chick fil a , so they're going to eat some . If I get DESCRIPTIVE DESCRIPTIVE, that's how you know I'm hungry, but anyways)

"You got us Chick Fil A?" I ask, my mouth watering at the beautiful brown chicken nuggets.

"I see it's still your favorite," he blushes . "I thought you'd like it," he rubs the back of his neck .

His Doll~ Villain Deku x FEM!OC Where stories live. Discover now