'Why Dont You Believe?'

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Today starts off as any normal day in the Trap house. We don't have much longer left in this house which I'm kinda sad about, but at the same time I can't wait to live on my own again. I wake up at 10am seeing Colby still asleep next to me, I put on one of his hoodies and head downstairs where I see Sam in the kitchen.

You see Colby and I started dating around 2 years ago, when we first moved into the Trap house. The fans had mixed reactions, some were happy and supportive, some were horrible and sent threats to me causing me to end up deleting Twitter and even for a time I wouldn't go on Instagram or YouTube but after the water settled I decided to start posting again on socials.... except twitter that shit is toxic as hell. The reason I'm moving into an apartment on my own is because I'm worried that Colby and I rely on each other a little to much, I don't want us to get sick of each other. I won't be living far from Colby, in fact I'm moving into the apartment opposite him, and Sam will be moving next to Colby.

"Good morning Talia"
"Bueno Dias Samual" I smile
"Colby still asleep?"
"Yep and honestly wouldn't expect anything less" I giggle as I make a cup of coffee
"So what's your plan then for today?" Just as I'm about to answer Corey comes running down the stairs shouting. I look at Sam confused and he just shrugs
"Dude!" Corey yells seeing us. I sit down at the table "dude" Corey takes his phone out of his pocket
"What's up Corey? Colby prank you with the bunny again?" I laugh remembering the prank wars
"Not funny. You need to put your man on a leash I swear"
"Ok so what are you all flustered about" I raise an eyebrow
"Ok so last night I went into the garage right just to put something away and I swear down I saw someone in there staring at me but when I looked back it was gone. So I put my phone out and... Talia just listen" I sigh rolling my eyes.

I dont really believe in the whole paranormal thing, the boys all do especially after they went to the Queen Mary that night changed their lives forever.

Corey presses play and I listen to the recording, personally I don't hear anything but Sam says he can hear a woman singing and then a thud
"It's just the wind guys" I stand up and put my cup in the sink then turn around and lean on the cupboard
"Dude do you not hear the humming?" Corey yells
"What humming?" he plays the recording again "maybe it's the washing machine" I shrug
"Seriously you don't hear anything?"
"Honestly no"
"Why don't you believe? you used to, but it was like all of a sudden you stopped, after Queen Mary Colby ran to you to tell you what happened thinking you would believe him, but you just brushed it off. Do you know how upset he was? he felt like you were calling him a liar" Sam now says 
"Of course Sam, god we nearly broke up because of it and I never meant to make him feel like that, but I dunno after my Mamá and Abuela I just stopped believing in the paranormal. I guess I just thought they would make a sign that they're here and they haven't" I shrug wiping a tear that left my eye
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."
"Sam it's fine don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean to upset me"
"Talia maybe the reason you havent had a sign from them is because you gave up. Remember spirits like to contact you if you already believe" Corey says walking over to me
"I guess. I dunno, I miss them. Like a lot"
"We know you do. How about this. Colby, Jake, Corey and I try to make you believe in the paranormal again? We could take you to places to try and regain your belief in the paranormal. Maybe then your Mamá and Abuela will make themselves known to you"
"Maybe" I smile at the boys and head back upstairs to get dressed. I walk into Colby and I's room to see Colby doing something on his phone
"Morning T"
"Good morning"
"What was the yelling about downstairs"
"Oh just Corey convinced the garage is haunted again. Said he caught a woman humming. I couldn't hear anything and now they want to take me to haunted locations to try and make me believe in the paranormal" I take off Colbys hoodie and take out my own clothes from the closet
"I think that's actually a good idea. We turn it into a series on the Sam and Colby channel"
"Of course you'd think it's a great idea" I chuckle "I'm sorry about that night after the Queen Mary. I shouldn't have ever made it seem like you were lying I just.... it's just hard for me to believe"
"I get it. I shouldn't have tried to force you to believe me either. That night I think we both said things we regretted and it wasn't long after your Mamá and Abuela passed away so everything was still touchy, but I still think we should try and help you believe"
"Fine but no promises" I finish getting changed and put on a little bit of makeup
"I love you, you know" Colby smiles at me through the mirror
"I love you too mi amor" I smile back at him. Colby kisses my head and walks out our room. Maybe they're right maybe I need to be more open minded.

 Maybe they're right maybe I need to be more open minded

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