"I am not sure, but the power I pull on seems Elemental," Raja admitted.

"Interesting," Diddero murmured. He turned his head to the closest window, and a slight crease formed at the visible side of his temple. When he focused back on Natalia, the broad smile that caused the wrinkle warmed her with excitement. "Ready to try something else?"

"First, I am here for more than the vegetables," Leena interrupted. "My brother has just arrived. He will be joining us for dinner with his wife. And I will need Jiyun to help settle them in."

"Of course, it is good he is finally here. We expected him a couple of days ago," Diddero stretched as he spoke. "Master Jordan will be a fine addition to your training. As will Master Agnes. Has the Master returned?"

"No, I do not anticipate he will return for some time. The Council has many things to discuss." Leena's tone changed, sounding more solemn than her usual cheerful and lighthearted manner. "Though Mara has returned. My brother convinced the Council that it was important to have an Elemental Master with the new students."

"Good," Diddero answered quietly.

As Leena made the announcement, Natalia felt a sudden rush of excitement. She had never met an Earth Master and wondered how different their incredible ability to communicate with The Mother would be. The Earth priestesses had told stories about the unnatural connection between the Masters and their elements, which had filled Natalia's mind with images of what they might look like. She wondered if the Earth Master would take on the form of his element. Leena and Destin flowed through the room like Water, and both looked somewhat like the Lady. Would Master Jordan be tall and imposing, like a boulder? Or would he be stoic and still, like a statue? Or would he be wizened and knarled like a great tree?

"I will not be able to continue our shield lessons today as planned. Do not forget to raise them again after you finish with Master Diddero's lessons," Jiyun instructed, her voice cutting into Natalia's musings.

Natalia had almost forgotten that Jiyun had helped them lower their shields at the beginning of this lesson. Though they could not access their internal power, Diddero had said they might need to keep their shields down to find the power lines.

Despite this lack of obstruction, Natalia had yet to feel the Elementals' presence during today's lesson. She wasn't sure if it was due to the presence of the Barrier and Shield Masters, but Natalia wondered what would happen if they did not rebuild the shields. Her Elemental siblings seemed to want what was best for her. Why did she need to block them out continually? She wanted to trust the Masters, but so many things were left unsaid.

Jiyun cocked her head to one side and looked at Natalia as if sensing some of her hesitancy but did not say more before leaving the room with Leena.

"Well, shall we try something new?" Diddero looked after his wife momentarily, then looked back at his students.

"It would be better than trying the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different result," Natalia answered. She forced her voice to sound light but heard her frustration leak through the comment. A soothing sensation flowed through the bond, confirming her inability to hide her self-deprecation. Natalia smiled and took a moment to feel pride in how much Raja could do with their bond, even without significant Mind Magic. Some abilities he had learned from his bond with Lukas, but this ability to soothe he had picked up from observing her. His quick mind continued to amaze her. Although, if she thought about it, it shouldn't. How could Lukas have loved anyone with less intelligence?

"Let's try the same thing, but from a different angle," Diddero instructed, interrupting her pondering. "The priestesses taught you to feel the power of the Earth and grab at it to control your environment, correct?"

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