If you bring thunder?⚡I bring storm!!! 🌀⛈️🌊

Start from the beginning

She said 'Bhai...you can't sit alone now....Wait let me call bhabhi... Bela bha....ohhhh sorry sorry... One minute...let me call my Karishma bhabh'

Before she could complete Mahir stood up in one go...

'Wa...Wa..why...I'm your brother do my pooja alone... No need to call anyone.. '

To which Kuhu smiled and said...

'Are bhaiii she's going to be the daughter in law of Sehgals... Karishma bhaaaaa'

Before she could call loudly...

Mahir stood up angrily and shouted...

'Enough Kuhu!!! Stop it!!! And don't call her bhabhi get that... Now either do pooja alone or I'll go away' he yelled...

To which Kuhu looked at him with eyes filled with tears...
'Just by me calling her Bhabhi...it burnt the hell inside you ..and you saying you love her huhhh... whom are you lying to bhai 🥺 I'm your sibling...I know you.. you love Bela bhabhi like crazy then why are you doing this... What are you' before she could say...

Mahir got up and shouted at her...

'Stop it Kuhu...you are trying to outsmart your elder brother!?? Don't forget I'm the eldest in this family now! I make decisions get it!!! I know what I am doing...

I know everything get it!!!

I will marry her!!!

Because I love her...
Understood I love Bel..

Kar...Karish... Karishma I mean' his voice faded at the minute he realized what he blurted...

While Kuhu smirked and said while applying Vermillion tilak on his forehead and sniffing through her tears saying...

'Exactly... You are the decision maker! Eldest! Behave like one!!! Think about it!!! Everyone does mistakes and regrets too!!! Self destruction is never a solution...' saying she couldn't control her tears and ran from there...

While we noticed Mahir put his head down and started crying silently.

That's it!!!

We were crystal clear now!!!

This was the case of guilt ridden Mahir Sehgal!!!

Little did he know he was destroying Bela and Muskaan too in this emotional grind!!!

'We have to sort this out!!! ' Yuvi said...

'But how??? And what do we do???'

To which Yuvi smirked and said...

'To destroy the monster's trap we need something bigger than a monster!!!

We need Devil!!!

He is the only one!!!' he said smiling...

I looked at Yuvi who was passing me a victorious smile already...

'Whats cooking in your head???'

He smiled and dialled a number...

'Bhai... Need your help!!! I had heard your plans were big to get the love of your life back!!!

This time want to make bigger plans to make sure someone realizes something!!!

And we want it full proof!!

So who better than you!!! I know you are packing your bags...but please come to garden... This is important!' next I saw him drop the phone...

We were waiting in garden...

While I heard foot steps

We turned back...

It was Dev!!!

I looked at Yuvi who was smiling 😁

Dev was smiling back...

'So which version of planning would you like...Dev Kapoor version or the Devil Kapoor huhhh' he chuckled...

Yuvi and he were laughing like 90's bollywood movie villains 🤷

Soon Dev said... 'Gather the gang!!! I want a full house now!!! On a video call!!!

This one's gonna be fun!!!

Mahir Sehgal is going to beg for water after this!!!

I promise!!!

Itni jalne wali he ki (It's going to burn so high that) you'll need a fire brigade!!! 🔥

This was going to be the biggest!!!

Get ready Mahir!!!

Embrace yourself... storm is coming!!!

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