Chapter 29: Going Exclusive?

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Allison's POV

"Have you done something crazy in your life?" Nate asked as we lined up the Smarty's counter to grab take-outs. He was smiling goofily again, tapping his fingers on the side of his jeans.

"Uh, I dated your brother?" I asked, giggling. He nodded and laughed, tilting his head just as we moved nearer to the counter.

"That is definitely crazy." he said. "But have you done something crazier than that?"

"I can't exactly follow."

The woman in front of us, went away with her tray. Nate and I stood on the counter where a teenager was waiting for our order. She must've been tired, I thought judging by the black circles under her eyes. Working in Smarty's was not an easy job.

I shrugged the thought and looked up to scan the menu list - tacos, rice bowls, shakes, wraps, fries, pizza, pasta, salads.. hmm. I think I have eaten all of these but that's what makes Smarty's famous - the fact that you can't get enough of their food. You crave for them and you don't get tired of eating the fries no matter how greasy they are. Besides, they were very generous on ketchups and peppers and herbs. Its like you can stack up your plate with ketchups and they won't be bothered by it.

"I would like a bucket of onion rings with loads sour cream." Nate asked in a deep and authoritative voice although his smile was already a give away.

"I-" the girl on the counter said. She must have been new. Maybe sixteen or seventeen and this was Nate terrorizing her with his charms and megawatt smile. "We don't have serve a bucket of onion rings here, sir." she said confused.

"You're crazy!" I said, slapping him playfully on his shoulder. "Don't terrorize the girl."

"I'm not terrorizing her." he muttered, eventually facing the girl on the counter again. "Okay, I'll have a large taco for take-out, two large mexican rice bowl, one veggie wrap, one chicken wrap, large cheesy pepperoni bell pizza, large chocolate malt shake, a nutella cappucino shake and a large bucket of onion rings in sour cream."

The girl and I both gave him a confused look.

"Sir," the girl began. I could tell she was getting annoyed but she was trying to remain polite. "We don't serve a bucket of onion rings here."

"Of course you do." Nate answered smiling. Good thing we were the last people on the counter that night or somebody might have throw us out the door for this racket. I looked apologectically at the girl. "You see, just put them in the bucket you guys use for fries, weigh them and I'll pay you for it. See, my wife is pregnant and she was really craving for onion rings. We've come all the way from New Jersey because she doesn't want any other onion rings. Please?"

And he looked at the girl with puppy dog eyes. Ah, that's the style I bet. Tell the people about your wife craving from something that only your store can give and that you both came from somewhere very far. Yes, like New Jersey.

"I'll see what I can do." she said with a forced smile and went back to where the onion rings was fried. She grabbed a bucket used mainly for fries and put generous amounts of onion rings with sour cream powder on it.

Nate paid for his purchases and we went outside, carrying a bag laden with food cartons. That's when I began to laugh hysterically.

"What the hell did you do back there?" I asked chortling.

"You saw what I did back there." he answered, facing me wearing his goofy smile. He began to laugh too and we laughed all the way to his apartment where we passed by a convenience store to grab cans of soda, bottles of beer and a bag of cheetos and lays.

"What are we going to do with all this food?" I asked. I've never bought so much food in my life. Its not like I'm on a diet but one of Smarty's pizza was enough to make me feel bloated.

"Stuck them in my kitchen cabinet." he said with a smile. "Or heat them in the microwave."

Nate's apartment was already organized. He said he did it all by himself except putting on the wallpaper and I was impressed. The boxes that used to lay around the living room was gone, replaced by a couch and a television. I walked around and see the entirety of the unit itself. There's an electric stove in the kitchen, a small refrigerator, a microwave and a coffeemaker. It was a bit small compared to my unit but it was cozy and nice. I slept in there a couple of days ago and this was better than that.

My phone kept on vibrating but I refused to get it out of my pocket. It was either Mischa or Adam and I don't want to talk to any one of them. I still don't agree that I have to be her accomplice tomorrow yet I don't want her to think that I'm an ungrateful bitch who refuses a single wish just because I don't have the guts to do it.

"Feel at home, roommate." he said and I plopped down on the couch, noticing a laptop on the mahogany table in front of me. "We're going to have a movie marathon."

Everything with Nate seemed to be associated with the word sexy. He was a gentleman; I was beginning to think he was gay. But just because he doesn't grab my ass or fuck me against the wall does meant he was a gay. Maybe he was just... what, sensitive to other people's feelings? Maybe. I don't know. Just please don't let him be gay. He's too handsome and charming to be one.

As he sorted out the movies he would like us to watch, I helped unpacked the dishes, grabbed two bowls in case we decided to go all junk and put the drinks in the fridge.

"Seems like we're going to watch loads of movies tonight." I commented. "Don't you have school tomorrow?"

Nate opened the bucket of onion rings. The yummy smell wafted through the air. He grabbed one and motioned for me to do the same, telling me it goes well with cheesy garlic sauce.

"There's no school tomorrow, Ally." he said licking his fingers. "It's the Soccer National League remember?"

Ah yes. How could I ever forget? The Soccer National Fucking League. Everybody seems to be excited about it. Recently, Margaux was in high spirits, imitating a pompom cheer dance by the cheering squad while yelling Go Wild Sexy Adam. She did it every period and it almost drove me nuts, I resisted the urge to tape her mouth.

I nodded. There is no goddamn way I'm going to watch tomorrow.

"Are you going tomorrow?" I asked. The can of soda I just propped open hissed and fizzled. I watched him as I drank.

"Nope. I'm not into soccer." he said casually, focused on Bedazzled, the movie we were watching. It was a really nice movie not just for kids but also for teens. It goes way, way back when Brandon Frayzer was still young and hot and it was his only movie that I like.

The night went pleasantly. We watched loads of movies, from The Eternal Sunshine to The Spotless Mind to Thee Amazing Spider Man 2 while making cocktails of fizzy drinks and wine and mixing Cheetos with lays, even putting onion rings on top of our pizza.

"We used to play strip poker at parties." Nate said, breaking the silence with a smile that looked like it's good to reminisce those times.

"I played strip or dare once." I said and he whipped his head to give me a questioning look. I laughed at him and told him it was just a game Mische made up. I explained the rules and how the game goes.

And then he was looking intently at me, like he wasn't listening to me at all so I stopped talking and looked away from him. I felt his hand cupped my cheek and the next thing, he was kissing me and I was kissing him back. I don't exactly know who kissed who bit I'm pretty sure it was me.

His hands went on my hips and it burned me more than it ever burned anything. My hands cupped his face. He was so handsome; I couldn't resist staring at him.

The time had stopped, I was sure of it and so was my heartbeat yet I was still breathing, breathing because his lips were on mine and it was like the life I needed.

"We should go exclusive or something." he murmured, kissing me. "I don't like sharing you with my brother."

Strip or Dare - CHAPTER 34 THE END (UPDATED 11/29/2020)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें