Chapter 21: Hello Brother

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A mascara-stained eye Mischa Campbell greeted me in the morning just after Adam had left for early soccer practice. The house did smelled of sex and Adam's expensive musky-smelling perfume but she didn't made a fuss about it. Instead, Mische took a seat in the living room couch as tears poured silently from her eyes. She looked like she'd been up partying all night, judging by her midriff-baring black strapless dress. She toed her beige-colored pumps across the floor showing her crimson painted nails.

"What happened?" I asked concerned, handing her a glass of lemonade which she refused.

"I think Seth is cheating on me." she managed to say out clear before sobbing again. I reluctantly handed her a box of tissue which she had taken gratefully. "I was partying last night in Vengeful until three or four, I can't exactly remember. While I was passing by the newly-opened bar, I think I saw him making out with a red-headed chick just outside the bar itself."

I took a deep breath as I take some time to look at her. Mische may not be the reality show type of bestfriend wherein we do things together and was always there for each other. She was outgoing, hot and optimistic while I was the complete opposite of her - dorky and pessimistic and definitely not hot. But she stood up for me and she was there in a blink of an eye whenever I need her.

"Are you sure it was really Seth?" I asked doubtfully. "Maybe you had too much to drink."

Seth Rothenberg was Mische's on and off boyfriend since middle school. He was taking up some political science course in a university in Oregon City which wasn't far from where we live. He was a tall and big, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was the typical kind of guy a typical hotchick would date. Mische regularly went out with him after school but he never went to any of her parties. He wasn't even on her birthday celebration or maybe I had too much to drink that time too.

"I don't know." Mische replied, yanking a bunch of her hair with her fist. She had never looked like this, like a devastated young girl. I decided to put an around her, just like what she always does when I needed her. "I just... I don't want to see it for myself. I don't even want to think about it! I called him a few times on his cell but it kept going to voice mail. Do you think you can do me a favor?"

I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes over her last sentence.

"What am I going to do?" I asked. Please, no more parties and alcohols and sex. I added mentally, as I watched her fiddle with her car keys with trembling hands.

How could I even say no to someone who obviously wouldn't take a no for an answer? That's the question.

"There's this party at Bonnie Constantine's place tonight." she began. Another fuckingtastic party, I thought. Just saying the P word already pisses me off before it even begun. Gods, what's with college girls and parties anyway? "I don't know if Seth's going to be there but if he's cheating with Bonnie, he'll end up there - partygoer or not."

"So, you want me to gatecrash that Bonnie Constantine's party and find out if she was the one Seth had been screwing behind your back?" I asked, feeling ridiculous. Mische nodded solemnly. "Can I take Margaux with me?"

"No!" Mische wailed, waving her arms. Seeing that the gesture had somewhat surprised me, she folded her arms back to her chest and hung her head low. "I mean, there's a lesser chance that he'll do something suspicious with Margaux in there. It's not a secret that we're studying in the same college."

"But Seth knows me too." I protested. This is a bad idea, I wanted to tell her. I might trip on my dress or make a fool of myself in that party. It's not that I want to spend my night working on my Philosophy subject but it would be nice to go back to my old boring routine.

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