Chapter 26: Adam's Dilemma

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I'm not the guy who likes to keep their girl's schedule in his pocket. I mean, guys do not memorize a girl's schedule unless he was a pathetic butt ugly admirer. I don't know much about Allison's schedule so I tried to scan the halls and locker rooms in between periods and soccer breaks. I tried to call her but I don't know what to say. Hey, you want to go out for dinner? That's just pathetic.

And then here comes another problem. My step brother just arrived from New Jersey. I know OSU wasn't his choice for college but it's one of the best universities. OSU or some community college, my father made him choose. The former of course. I have nothing against him although I kind of hated him when we were kids because I didn't understand why my father - a respectable man, would have an affair with another woman who's definitely not my mother.

When I got a bit older, he explained everything to me and to my sister. That Nate's mother was his girlfriend long before our mom came into the picture. They were forced to marry each other for business, and was expected to consummate the marriage as soon as possible. He loved Nate's mother so dearly and he respected my mom but it was hard to leave somebody he had loved so much for a long time.

The rest of the story, I'll tell you some other time.

Another thing that kept me out of sex recently was soccer practice which was making our lives hell. From dawn until our first period. Then another again after class. My body can't get used to that kind of fatigue. I was exhausted to death everyday that I forgot to be horny, letting my dick stay limp all throughout the day.

Just this lunch, I spotted Allison hurrying across Brussiere building where most of her classes took place. (I assumed.) I ran to meet her, my legs already burning.

"Hey." I panted, catching up with her. Today, she was wearing a tight cotton tee, black baggy jeans and chucks. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun with tendrils framing her face. It was a simple get up that she had managed to pull off better than everyone else.

"Hey." she answered distractedly with a small smile.

"You free for lunch?" I asked, hoping she would be.

Her face scrunched up before she looked at me.

"Um, no." she said and my shoulders fell. She must have noticed it because she quickly added, "Sorry, I just have to see Mische about something really important."

"Oh." I answered, forcing myself to smile. I wanted to punch something because it's the first time I got rejected by a girl whom I genuinely like. It's not like I'm selfish that I want to spend all my time with her but the National League would be tomorrow and I wanted to tell her that. Tell her she should watch me play. "What about dinner?"

"I'll be free at seven." she said.

There! I could whoop with joy, though I must device an escape plan because Coach Spencers wouldn't allow anyone to go before seven. It was usually eight.

"I'll call you." I said. She nodded and I grabbed her arm gently so she could slow down or stop to which she did. She looked at me questioningly but didn't say anything. "Maybe I'll get out of soccer practice earlier."

She nodded and we continued trotting the concrete pavement, the sun getting hotter and hotter everytime. Girls were throwing daggers at Allison but she didn't seem to noticed or maybe she was pretending not to noticed. That's one of the things I like about her, that she doesn't give a damn to what everybody thinks and says about her.

"You know how much I like you right?" I whispered. I saw her shook her head slowly as if she didn't understand what I was saying. I pulled her close to me, the books in her arms maintaining our distance.

"Well, I like you a lot." I told her and she just looked at me like I said something about our assignment.

It's not like I can blame her. I remembered how she talked to the guy at the mini bar back in Mische's birthday party. I'm not stupid, I knew he did something wrong to her. Something that made her build a great wall to protect herself.

She didn't answer though half of the female population in school would have swoon when I say those words but she's Allison. She's not the one-night stand type of girl - virgin or not. I gave her a peck on her cheek before I bid goodbye, running to get some lunch.

"Adam Payne." Carly Mattheson's voice called me and I was forced to turn around and go the other way. I was on my way to my next period, Accountancy which I would gladly have for the whole day rather than soccer practice.

You wouldn't have guessed that Carly had come from a rich family because she always acts like a nymphomaniac and dresses like a hooker. She tried all sorts of tricks to get me to have sex with her but even in the post-apocalyptic world, let's say, we're the only humans left, I'd rather kill myself than screw her. It's not the fact that she's not a virgin. Being a virgin isn't something a girl could be proud of these days because girls lose their virginity at the age of sixteen and it doesn't matter to the guys, really although that would be great right? But Carly was just different. She screws every living thing with dicks and it turned me off. Its fine to have sex with someone you like, go friends with benefits but screwing at least seven men a week is just simply gross.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Well, I just have something that might interest you." she said, waving a small brown envelope under my nose. Before I get the chance to hold it, she had snatched it away from me. "I can't wait to give you this, but I need you to win the National League for all of us first." she said, her red lips curling into a creepy smile. A smile I've seen in the horror movies. Maybe tomorrow, Payne."

I narrowed my eyes as she shoved the little brown envelope inside her handbag. She gave me one final look along with her creepy smile before turning on her heels.

What the hell was that?

Coach Spencers fortunately, had cancelled the afternoon practice. Everybody fisted the air and whooped with joy. Zeke, being the happiest of them. I've noticed that he had been missing a lot during breaks. It was weird because he usually stays to goof with the boys and tell his lame jokes but these days, he was always in a hurry, he would just give me a tap on the shoulder. No small talks. No complaints.

I showered peacefully inside the locker rooms, laughing about a stupid American joke that Joey had been telling everybody. Zeke, as usual, wasn't there. He took a quick shower before heading out the door in such a rush, it would put The Flash to shame. It was five in the afternoon. I still have two hours to wait for Allison but my hand was itching to touch her again, not to have sex with her although I got loads of ideas on what to do with her. Maybe after the National League when my dick's in the mood. Right now, I wanted to eat something, go home and sleep.

I got my phone and dialed Allison's number. She answered after two rings.

"Hey." I said. Didn't I say the word 'hey' for a couple of times this day? Woah.

"Hey." she said in her usual sweet voice. "I was about to call you." Pause. "I'm- I'm sorry I have to bail out for dinner. Mische and I would be doing something really important to her and she kind of needed my help."

Fuck, I thought. I wanted to punch something but I mentally reminded myself to be calm. No woman ever bailed me out for their bestfriend or something but Allison and Mische were inseparable since middle school and I don't want to go between them. They mean so much to each other.

"Sure, sure." I said, gritting my teeth.

"I'm really sorry." she said sounding really upset. "Can I call you tonight?"


Strip or Dare - CHAPTER 34 THE END (UPDATED 11/29/2020)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें