Chapter 2 Joss

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Josephine or Joss was a teenage girl around 16-18 years old she was a gothic or Emo girl as her hair was black and purple and was wearing dark clothes and makeup and had a hoodie of long sleeves and piercing.

Ouch, that was crazy legit and I thought running away from that bitch was enough to get this crazy. I was on my headphones when suddenly I saw people getting into a panic and then I felt the train shaking I thought something was wrong so I hid under the table where I was using my laptop and as well holding my laptop in my hands and everything went black. As I finally wake up I see myself and my laptop safe but as I try to get out I fell my leg stuck in a pile so I scream for help I thought I lost hope until almost gold hair.

As you help free Joss from the pile with Adriana she thanks you and Adriana and replies with her name

Joss: Thanks for the help bud and you kid. What are your names?
Adriana: My name is Adriana
You: I don't remember my name I barely know what happen-

You suddenly get into a pause and you start to remember as you board the train and you see from a distance a very hurry Joss. As you want to know more Joss slaps you in the face to bring you back and with Adriana worried
You: Sorry I can remember what happened at all.
Joss: It looks like a case of amnesia here and so are you guys together?
Adriana: this nice person help me to get my mom out she is sleeping I left her with my doll but at least I have Mr.Rabbit here.

Joss turns around you and your face is blank and she shakes her head knowing of the situation

Joss: So should we call someone for help nevermind I have my phone he-. WHAT NO SIGNAL HERE?!?? GREAT

As you see Joss angry laying down angry and Adriana just playing with her Rabbit plushy you start to think that you and the girls should find survivors before starting to find a way to go nowhere.

Then suddenly a voice is heard from the distances as you start to run and Joss follows you with Adriana in her arms.

Journey to BrookhavenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant