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"Ah, shit. I forgot that they could do that," she cursed and made herself glow once again. "I really don't want to fight you when one of you is in the body of an actual supersoldier."

With those words, she landed a searing punch at whoever was inhabiting Strange's body right now, making him shout in pain as the glowing fist burned through the thin fabric he wore. The cloak that was once again limp against his shoulders twitched slightly.

Before she could do more damage with her strength and heat, she was hit from behind by the other attacker. Cap's gloves protected his hands from her powers, so the person in his body could land a hit without harming him. The super soldier strength he now possessed threw her across the room despite her own powers.

Thinking the battle was over, they relaxed their defenses but in a moment, a chair was smashed against not-Rogers' head, however it did not even make him budge. Before he could react though, the other man's legs were kicked out from under him and he tumbled against not-Rogers, making it hard for him to immediately attack without harming the other.

The shield he hadn't bothered to pick up was thrown against his torso, albeit sloppily. It bounced off him with a painful thud and landed on the side, out of his sight and reach. Bleeding slightly from the wound on his head and covered in wood splinters, he charged for the short man that had foolishly attacked him. He launched him against the couch that was leaning on the wall, where Tony landed and slid down the side of it until he was sitting and stayed there, his eyes sliding shut.

By then, Maya had recovered and was angry, the heat almost arcing off her skin, the temperature rising and vaporizing the blood that had run out of her wounds when she had cooled down after the blow.

She sidestepped Strange's body, which was laying on the floor after he had hit his head upon falling. Maya aimed a super-powered blow against Rogers' head and it connected, making him fall to the ground as well.

The two restrained men suddenly recovered, their heads snapping up and matching looks of horror appearing on their faces.

Strange groaned on the floor, his cloak returning to its lively state and raising him up. He touched the swollen bump on his head and muttered, "I think I'm going to lay down now."

The woman's gaze landed on Tony and she shouted, "Stark!" She crouched down and looked at him, noting his unfocused and confused gaze.

"I guess hitting their heads worked," he slurred.

"JARVIS, get a medic here, for all of them," she spoke to the ceiling.

At this moment, Wong arrived through a portal. Right behind him came running the other heroes, having been alerted by the sound as well.

"Did you get the other two?" asked Strange of Wong.

"They are shielded from the stone's influence and are currently asleep. I did as you asked and used a spell on them to prevent what happened-" he waved his hand around, motioning to the entire room, "here."

"Could someone tell us what is going on here? Why are Rene and Diego restrained? What happened to the two of you and Tony?" inquired one of the heroes that had appeared in the room.

Stephen, tired and all but cradled in the Cloak, motioned to Maya, who was dealing with Tony's head wound.

She diverted her attention from the injured man and spoke, "Thanos' allies used the Mind Stone to control six members of the Avengers so they could find out where we'd hidden the remaining stones. They'd planned for us to secure the stones and give them into their possession once they arrived with their army. They were going to do what Thanos failed to do."

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