Chapter Four - Helping Hands

Start from the beginning

"Have you told anyone else about these drawings?" asked Zachary.

"I wanted to tell mom and every member of the rebellion, but I'm afraid that no one will believe me since I'm a child who likes to make things up sometimes." Kalle replied.

"We have something that can show proof that these drawings exist, this device can scan them and download the images. We can upload them on computers." said Anna.

Anna grabbed her scanner to scan the drawings on the wall, Zachary started to notice one particular drawing on the wall. It was a person with beams coming out of his eyes and other people in the drawing were being held in the air.

"That drawing was very interesting after the other drawings, when the two humans escaped and one will almost die during a battle against enemies. The dying human will be given a blood transfusion and becomes the hybrid. Half human and half yuni, stronger and powerful. The hybrid will bring an end to a war in the future. Although I don't know who will become the hybrid since you are the two humans from the drawings." said Kalle.

"I guess we'll find out when it happens." said Zachary.

When they walked back towards the entryway, the coast was clear. They went back to base and showed Ladi and the rest of the rebellion team images of the petroglyphs that the scanner downloaded, the rebellion was amazed that the story about the drawings were true. After years thinking that it was just a story, it was true all along. Kalle admitted to her mother that she wanted to tell them about finding them, but was afraid that no one will believe her because of being young and making things up sometimes. But Ladi reassured her that she would always believe her daughter even if it sounds silly. Because she knows that Kalle would never lie if it was something important and ancient like those drawings.

Later that night, Zachary, Anna and Kalle were enjoying the holographic campfire since it would be dangerous having a real camp fire at the underground base. They decided to talk about themselves.

"My life used to be great until The Leader took over the planet, my parents created the rebellion since they always hated him. They see him as a person who seeks power and wants everything in the way he wants it to be. it's never fun pretending to be an obeying citizen all the time until The Leader discovered the rebellion and had us targeted for death, we had to fight our way out of the city and into the woods, my father got killed when he sacrificed himself to buy us more time during the escape. His death is one of the reasons why I wanted to help the rebellion win against The Leader and take back the city once and for all. Even though mom is worried about me being part of this battle sometimes, she understood why since war never gives you a choice." said Kalle.

Feeling sorry for Kalle when she talked about her father's death, he decided to talk about the day when his parents and younger brother died in an accident when he was a teenager. Usually he never felt comfortable talking about the subject since loss felt like a burden to him, but he felt like he should get it out of his chest.

"I know how you feel. I lost my parents and younger brother when I was sixteen. It happened when my brother was being annoying and taunted me during dinner, I got really mad and annoyed at him to the point where I got angry with him. Without even thinking, I slapped him across the face. He started crying and my parents got really mad at me. We yelled and argued, I was so filled with anger during the fight that I would end up saying those words that I would regret for the rest of my life, I told them that I hated them and Andy and I wished they were dead before I left the house and went to the planetarium to calm down. Sometimes I go there when I get stressed. When I came home later, my sister told me that our parents and Andy were killed in a car accident while I was gone. I remembered falling into depression afterwards, I hated myself for what happened. I even blamed myself for their deaths. If I never wished for them to die, they would still be alive."

When Zachary started to tear up a bit, Anna puts her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Zachary appreciated it. Kalle felt a little guilty that the story about her father's death made Zachary talk about his loss.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked about my father." said Kalle.

"No, it's alright. I understood that you wanted to get it out of your chest. I didn't want you to feel alone when it comes to a subject like loss." said Zachary.

"I lost my dad when I was fifteen years old, he was doing window washing when he had a terrible accident. His harness malfunctioned and he fell to his death. I had to take a part time job after school to help my mother out while other relatives in my family tried to help out." said Anna.

While it was painful to talk about their losses, it felt great to confess about them to each other. They felt more open and less broken.

Meanwhile in the city...

The Leader was watching the city through the window at his building, hoping to hear some good news about the whereabouts of the two escaped humans. He heard a beep from his door.

"Enter." said The Leader.

His assistant entered the penthouse, The Leader hoped that she bought good news for him this time.

"The ground troops wanted me to inform you that the humans are nowhere to be found in the city, they searched everywhere. There's no trace of them at all." said the assistant.

While the news was disappointing, it did give the leader a very good idea to where the humans would be now.

"If they're not in the city, that means the rebellion had found them and took them to the woods to their secret hideout."

"What will you do now?" The assistant asked.

"We'll have more patrols search for the rebels in the woods. Once we find the rebellion and the humans, we will kill them all."

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