daenerys targayen (game of thrones)

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As the light bled from

the final drop of daylight

I would ever see,

I held close the silhouettes

of those I'd loved—

the burning dragon in me

never knowing I could,

not with so much vigour,

not ever like this,

not where losing them

would break me down

completely and forever;

and I know now it is not

the dagger that has finally,

finally drained my fireproof heart,

but it is the thought and the fear

of letting go of what I've always

held so near me, of losing all that I have

conquered and held in my scarred hands,

far from fire, but I always kept them warm;

I never wanted winter to touch them,

but so it did, and they were ripped from my arms,

my empire of love, this kingdom we built together;

snow touched their skin, and when the sky fell,

my own eyes closed.

the downfall; a dragon met winter; fire danced with ice

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