Chapter 10

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The tree trainers got into the plain and sat down in there seats. Throughout the flight they were talking but ash kept finding him looking at serena often. And even more than that he'd seen her look at him as well. This was all very confusing for ash but serena knew very well what she felt.
Present time
Ash pov
We were just getting ready to rest our eyes for a few hours before we got to galar. Gou had fallen asleep about 20 minutes ago. Serena had been sleeping peacefully for a while now and I was just about to fall asleep when I felt somthing on my sholder. I looked down to see serenas head lying on my shoulder. She had her arm on my stomach and was silently sleeping. I found it quite comforting and fell asleep next to her. I rested the side of my face on her head and fell asleep very quickly.
Serena pov
I had just woken up and I found that I was very comfortable even though I was on a plane. I sit my head up and see why I was so comfortable. There was ash sleeping soundly. I found that I had fallen asleep on him and he...didnt mind? I know I had fallen asleep before him and I wasn't sure if he was awake when I sifted or not. I slapped my had to my face "Idiot..." I then open my sliding window. I gasped quietly. There was a beautiful sunrise filled with the colors red orange yellow pink purple blue and the sun shinning over the horizon. I looked at ash and saw his smooth complexion. I noticed every detail about him. His eyelashes his spiky hair. I reached my hand out towards his black hair. To my surprise it wasent spiky at all but very soft. I then move closer to his face. Surprisingly ash had small freckles on his nose. I smiled. He was so adorable. I then moved back to the window looking out at the sunset. I take out my room phone and snap a picture. I then slowly turn and snap a picture of ash. I sweated. I had forgotten to turn off the flash and ashes nose twitched which I thought was pretty fucking adorable. I watched him for a while longer before turning back to the window. I was so glad to be back with ash. I knew how much he meant to me now and I am planning to tell him. When the time 8s right of course. I knew he liked me as well. I'm not stupid. I can tell what someone's feeling but ash being ash he doesn't realize that he loves me. Nor does he realize that I love him. I want the day to come when we tell each other that. I smiled just thinking about it.
Ash pov
5 hours later thay had gotten off the plane.
We had just gotten off of the plane and serena and I have gotten closer but I feel a little weird around her. I dont know what it is but I know that I hate and love the feeling. I just wonder what I feel...

HEY GUYSSSS sorry I haven't been posting. I've been really busy with school and I take dance lessons and I got moved to a higher level and I've been having to practice for that. I'm going to my first higher class next week on Wednesday and Thursday so wish me luck! Anyway I'll be posting more often I promise. Byeeee❤💃😊👋

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