Chapter 4

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As Ash left the statium Gou turned to Serena "Ash told me that we would meet up in the Pokemon center. Do you wanna come?" Serena quickly nodded. She would have done anything to see Ash again. Gou nodded and then they left there seat's. They heard the anouncer say the next battlers as they want into the lobby.

When they got to the Pokemon center Ash was sitting in a chair waiting for Gou unaware of who he would finely get to see. "Hey Ash!" Gou said getting his attention "Hey Gou!" ash said in return. Serena was behind Gou more nervous then she had ever been before. And that was saying something. As ash walked up to Gou he saw Serena walking behind him "Serena?!" Ash said in surprise. Serena blushed a bit "H-hey Ash!..." she said nervously. Ash looked at her like he'd seen a ghost. Serena was worried that it was because of her appearance. She wore a light pink overal knee leanth dress with a white strapless top the ribbon ash gave her sewed onto it. She also wore a white top hat. her hair had grown a bit so it was put into a low ponytail her bangs going down the sides of her face. She didn't know why she thought he had acted this way because of her appearance. Maybe because she was nervous? (Yes i know this was a dumb way to show HER appearance but I didn't know what other way lol) But he soon smiled and walked over to her and to her surprise he gave her a hug. She blushed as red a tomato. When he let go he spoke "Its good to see you again!" He smiled which made Serena blush even more but she soon managed to say "Its good to see you again too!" She smiled. All the while Gou watched the two smerking wanting to laugh uncontrollably but remained to keep his composure. Ash looked like he was going to say something else but was interupted by nurse joy walking in with Pikachu. "Hey buddy!" Ash said happily "Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu said happy to see Ash while he jumped on his head "Hey Pikachu look who's here!" Ash turned to Serena. Pikachu stood there a moment before breaking into a smile and jumping into her arms "Pikachu!" pikachu said happily "Hey Pikachu! How have you been doing?" Serena said "Pika Pika pikachu!" He said in a low voice. Serena smiled. Pikachu then jumpd back to Ash landing on his left shoulder. "S-so what are you doing here Ash?" Serena managed to say as they walked out of the Pokemon center. Ash smiled "Me and Gou work in a Pokemon lab and professer cerise told me about this Pokemon match and I decided to join!" Ash said exitedly "I see.." Serena said. "So how are you doing?" Ash asked curiosly. Serena smiled "Iv'e been doing great! Iv'e been winning lots of Pokemon competition's! I also met a new Pokemon!" Serena said. Ashes eyes lit up "Can I see?" he asked. Gou was walking behind them and wanted to meet this Pokemon too. Serena smiled "Of course!"

Once they found a spot Serena let all of her Pokemon out "Come on out!" When all of her Pokemon were out Ash gasped. Breaxen had evolved Panchem and sylvion had stayed the same. When ash saw her new Pokemon he smiled. It was a Vulpix. He thought it resembled Serena well. when Serena's pokemon Saw him they started smerking and wispering to eachother. Pikachu heard all of what they were saying and bursted out laughing like crazy. (So its really her

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