•○Sing, Natsu!○•

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Third Person POV

Gajeel had stayed over at Natsu's. They had both fallen asleep, tired from playing with the girls. They woke up to plates and cups clinking together.

They rushed to the kitchen only to find Lucy and Levy setting the table.

"Good morning!" They both said then shot glares at each other.

"I made breakfast!" Levy giggled.

"It was my idea!" Lucy corrected.

The two started arguing but stopped when they were picked up and set on a chair.

"Thanks, Luce." Natsu smiled.

"Thanks, Shrimp." Gajeel said simply.

The two took a bite of the attempt pancakes. Thier faces turned into a green-ish color. They forced themselves to swallow and offered a sick smile at the girls.

"Mmm! Yummy..."Gajeel lied.

It was too salty and...there was something gooey and chunky in the middle which neither of them wanted to even know what it was.

After they were forced to eat breakfast. The girls got ready.

"I don't want a coat!" Lucy protested.

"Me neither!" Levy agreed with Lucy for the first time.

It was snowing. After all, it was November.

"Then no snow for you!" Natsu said.

The girls sighed and put their coats on. They ran outside and began to play in the snow for a while.


They walked to guild where they were greeted by everyone else.

"Day 4 is almost over! How you guys holding up?" Mira mischievously smiled.

"I was a princess and Natsu was a prince yesterday!"

"I drew Gajeel on his wall!"

Mira softly laughed at the girls.

"Well then, here you go Lucy, and here you go Levy." Mira said, handing Lucy and Levy hot chocolate. Lucy's had star shaped marshmallows and Levy's had heart shaped ones.

The boys sat down beside each of them and sighed.

"Juvia thinks Gajeel and Natsu would make good fathers!" Juvia said, approaching the four.

"Juvia thinks Gajee- BLAH!" Gajeel mimicked, annoyed by her comment.

"Not only that. Their children would be so cute!" Mira jumped.

"What do you mean 'their'?" Gray asked.

"Natsu and Lucy's child, Gajeel and Levy's child. And Gray...nice boxers.." Mira teased.

Gray left to find his clothes as Juvia followed behind him. Natsu and Gajeel were steaming tomatoes at this point.

Levy began to yawn and Lucy followed soon. Levy glared at Lucy.

"Don't copy me!" Levy yelled

"You're annoying!" Lucy shot back.

Gajeel and Natsu covered the girls' mouth.

"Don't start." Natsu said.

"Gajeel! Sing a song!" Levy suggested.

"NO!" The entire guild said.

Gajeel's singing wasn't exactly the best. Even though Gajeel himself claimed he did.

Gajeel got up and grabbed his acoustic guitar from the back room. He barely got to play the first note before an angry Natsu interrupted him.

"GAHH! Don't start with your 'shoo bob'!" Natsu whined.

"IT'S 'Shoo bi doo ba' YOU MORON! Like you can do better!" Gajeel yelled.

"I bet he can!" Lucy defended.

"Pfft. Yeah right. Gasheel is the best!" Levy defended.

"No he isn't! Natsu is better I bet!" Lucy said.

Natsu had begun to walk away nervously. Natsu had actually wrote a couple of songs when he got super bored. No one had ever heard him sing, just Happy, and he wasn't planning on showing them either.

But of course...he was now on the spotlight and Erza had grabbed a hold of him.

"Oh no you don't." She said and sat Natsu back down on the stool. Natsu pouted in defeat. He didn't want to sing.

"Lucy...I don't sing." He lied.

Truth was, Natsu could SING. He was good at it.

"Pwease!" Lucy cried.

"No, Luce. Sorry." Natsu said nervously.

"Whimp." Gray snickered.

"Gray, shut up. Natsu?" Erza said.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Lucy is crying. Sing or I'll kill you." She demanded.

"Y-Yes m-ma'am!" Natsu stuttered.

Lucy stoped crying and clapped her hands and Levy crossed her arms and Gajeel patted her head.

Natsu began to blush, embarrassed at the fact he now HAD to sing. He leaned his elbow on the counter and covered his face with his hand.

"Hey, Happy, fly home quickly and grab that music sheets for the lullaby I wrote.." Natsu mumbled.

"You wrote a music sheet for A LULLABY?!" Freed questioned.

"I was bored, okay?!" Natsu said.

Happy came back with the music sheet and handed it to Natsu.

"It's a guitar duet...I need another one." Natsu said.

Mira went and grabbed another acoustic guitar which Natsu had to tune. Lucy was giggling and Natsu shot her a death glare but then chuckled himself.

Natsu sighed and handed one of the music sheets to Gajeel.

"You're doing the background. I'll do the  melody. It's fine right? She won't remember anything anyway.." Natsu mumbled.

"Gihi...sure." Gajeel said and Levy laughed along with him.

Natsu propped up on leg to lean the guitar with.

"Luce, you owe me one." Natsu said.

"Sing!" Lucy giggled to which Natsu softly smiled.

"How's the song called?" Mira asked.

"Winter Bear." He replied.

Natsu nodded at Gajeel, signaling to start playing.

(Play the song, and yes, Winter Bear by V<3)

Natsu stopped singing. His face was flushed as everyone started clapping. Levy, who jumped out of her seat, was now begging Natsu, along with Lucy, to sing another song but he dismissed their begging.

"No thanks...one time only thing. YOU! You're buying me lunch whenever you turn back to normal!" Natsu said, pointing at Lucy who just smiled at him in return.

"Flamebrain, your face is still red."

"Shut up, Popsicle. I didn't see you singing infront of everyone."

Gray huffed and stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought." Natsu smirked.

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