Comincia dall'inizio

The two played a bit competitively after that, hopping to another game stand with no other motivates other than to beat each other's win scores. The two went 6 - 4 with Dream winning.

The sun was setting as Dream and Bad walked around the carnival. The duo talking about whatever came to mind, from what's your favorite color and to supernatural beliefs. They walked in silence until Bad paused.

"Wait, look!" he exclaimed.

Dream looked at what caught Bad's attention. It was a big plushie of a white... blob? A white blob with a smile on it.

Bad looked at Dream with stars in his eyes, "Wanna help me play for it? Please?"

The blonde laughed and gave in, "Okay."

The shorter did a small victory dance as he also joined in on getting the money in for the plushie. The game was simple knock out all of the three stacks of bottles with a beanie bag per stack.

As easy as it sounded, it was a struggle trying to gain enough force to knock out the heavy bottles with a small beanie bag. Bad nearly gave up until Dream was able to knock out the two.

"Here," The blonde held out the last beanie bag to Bad, "I want you to knock out the last stack, I believe in you."

Bad smiled as he took the beanie bag, he looked at the pouch and gathered as much force as he could and threw at the bottle stack.



"Nice job, lady!" The stand worker clapped, "It took both of y'all some tries but I'm glad you finally did it," they chuckled.

Bad bashfully smiled, "Thank you. Can I get the plushie now?"

The stand worker nodded and grabbed a step ladder to retrieve the said plushie. They handed the plushie to the brunette.

Bad jumped excitedly as he hugged the blob, "It took so long and it was expensive but so worth it!"

He paused as he heard a 'ahem' and looked at Dream.

Bad gave a sheepish smile, "Thank you Dream."

The taller grinned, "You're welcome. The sun is setting but I wanna do something first," his cheeks heating up.

Bad tilted his head, "What is it?"

Dream grabbed Bad's wrist and dragged him over to the ferris wheel entrance. The blonde looked at Bad with an embarrassed smile.

"It's a little cliché but it's a nice way to end the day, right?"

"I mean, cliché is what this whole thing is supposed to be about, right?" Bad giggled.

The two paid for their tickets, and waited in the line. Bad tried to ignore the way that people were looking at him with his big blob plushie.

As soon as a ride was emptied and finished, the duo got into the small capsule and waited until the ride started. Bad set aside the blob next to him as Dream sat across from him.

Bad felt the ride start up and looked outside the windows of the capsule, amazed at the way the nightlights shimmered through the city. The small light glitters shined in the early start of night, Bad wanted to capture a photo of the beautiful sight.

He felt a pair of eyes on him and looked away from the window. Dream looked at with that goofy grin.

"I think you're pretty."

Bad felt heat rush to his cheeks and to the tips of his ears. "T-thank you," he stuttered out.

Dream barked out a laugh, and looked outside the window as well, "I don't blame you for getting caught in the moment."

The brunette looked out the window once again.

"It's gorgeous from here, that's why I always want to go to here after the day is over. It's a heavenly sight. Nothing can beat it."

The two sat in comfortable silence, looking at a real life painting until the ride was over. Dream got out and Bad made sure have the blob plushie with him as he got out.

Soon the softness of thuds against wood turned into sharp clicks against concrete as they walked into the parking lot. Dream opened the door of the car to Bad with a chuckle and Bad got in with his head high and a poorly hidden smile. The blonde quickly closed the door and walked around to the other side to get inside.

Bad looked at the sight in front of him, the moon on the left side, reflecting on the cold ocean. It was almost like white petals dancing on the waves. His focus was broken as Dream started the car and went on the way to the general street that Bad gave him.

The silence was soft as melodic indie music played on the radio.

Dream broke the silence, "Are you gonna name the blob or is the blob just gonna be 'blob'?"

Bad thought about it for a moment and then looked at the blonde, "I'm gonna name it Dream."

The blonde chuckled.

The duo arrived to the street, stopping at the entrance of a neighborhood. Bad got out of the car (made sure to have blob Dream with him) and waved a goodbye at Dream. The blonde waved back with a look and drived away.

Bad began walking to his home in the neighborhood. He smiled thinking about the date, how fun it was and how goofy Dream really is. Bad felt a frown come upon him when reality set in.

The brunette sighed as he unlocked the door to his house. Too many thoughts running through his head as he took off the heels and headed up the stairs and into his bedroom.

He placed the blob Dream onto his bed and immediately got out of his clothes to get into comfortable clothes. Bad took off his makeup with a makeup wipe, making sure to wash his face after. He looked at himself in the mirror. Only one thought ran through his head.

Why did Dream give him such a look of restrained impulse?

𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐑 ¡ dreamhalo (UNDER REWORK) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora