S1 - CHAPTER 4 Sargent Bazooka

Start from the beginning

We are cur
rently inside the moving bus, I can't help but growl at Retz, she's been clinging to Killua ever since she sat next to him 'The nerve!, Why is she clinging to my Killuaaa... Wait why am i thinking of him!, Do i have a crush on Killua? Arghh, I've been thinking a lot of about him, on how we will have our first date, he might bring me to the mall, or a restaurant, but anything's fine if I'm with him, them we'll share our first kiss together under the moon light, then we will get married and have a pet cat!..... Arghhhh I'm doing it again' "Gon are you alright?, You've been been growling and squealing ever since we got in the bus" Zushi said cutting me off of my thoughts "I don't know Zushi, I kept on thinking a lot about uhm, ki- uh ki- uwah" 'Damn it I can't say his name, I'm so embarrassed' Zushi got irritated and hit me hard on the back causing me to talk faster "I'vebeenthinkingaboutkilluaalotlatelyandican'tunderstandwhy!" I stopped and catches my breathe, i looked at Zushi and he's smirking 'oh hell no' "So You your saying... You have a crush on killua don't you?" He said playfully, i can feel my face heating up from his question "I-I do-Don't really know," "Come on gon just admit it, you said it yourself, you can't stop thinking about killua lately, it's a sign that you have a crush on him" Zushi stated 'Do i really have a crush on killua, I've been thinking of him a lot lately, is that what it means to have a crush on someone? I don't really know' "I can't wait to tell Leori and Kurapika about this" Zushi said smirking.


Ever since I got in the bus Retz won't stop Clinging to me, it starting to get annoying 'Urghh when will this end!' "Killu, after class do you wanna hangout? She said Tightening her grip on me "I'm sorry Retz, I can't i have Piano lessons after school" I said and she loosen her grip "Come on, just this once" "I'm sorry but i can't or my brother might bet mad at me" i said, she stopped clinging to me "Your no fun" 'that was close, i know what Retz mean by 'Hangout' I'm not falling for it, besides, i have my heart on a certain someone, or should i mean Mr. Bug, sure we can't be together cause we can't reveal our secret identity, but I'm sure something will work out, at least i hope so, I'll keep on trying to win his heart'.


(York new Military base)

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU!, YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ENGAGED IN ANY ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP!, ESPECIALLY NOT FROM ONE OF MY TOP SOLDIERS!" The general said shouting at his daughter "b-but Father, we love each other, i have a life too and i want to be with him" She Said but it made her father more furious "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM YOU!, GO TO YOUR BUNKER AND STAY THERE UNTIL MY FURTHER NOTICE! UNDERSTOOD!" He shouted "Yes father" She quickly run out of his father's office and heads to her bunker, she grab a hold of the bazooka her father gave her on her birthday and started crying "I-I only fell in love! *Hic* what's wrong with that!, *Hic*I h-Have my own life, whi can't i do what I WANT FOR ONCE!".

"Oh dear, A broken heart, such sadness, a perfect Prey for my Akuma, i can feel her anger and frustration!" A butterfly lands on Hawkmoth's hand and turns into an akuma "Fly away my Little akuma, and evilize her broken heart" Hawkmoth said with his evil laugh.

The akuma finds it's way inside the Woman's bunker and lands on the Bazooka she's holding "Sargent Bazooka, I am hawkmoth, I gave you the power to shoot any type of missile you have in mind, and for extra I'm giving you high mobility, but in return you must gave me Mr. Bug and Cat noir's Miraculous, do we have a deal?" "Deal, Get ready Father, I'll blow you away, literally"

 Bug and Cat noir's Miraculous, do we have a deal?" "Deal, Get ready Father, I'll blow you away, literally"

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Miraculous Mr. Bug ( KilluaxGon)Where stories live. Discover now