Chapter 1: Welcome to Universe 7

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Somewhere on earth 4032-877 a feminine figure is flying through the skies, she holds the 7 dragon balls with her. After spotting an isolated field she decides to land. Carefully, she places the orbs together before taking a few steps back.

"Shenron, I summon you!", The feminine figure calls out. Suddenly the orbs glow bright yellow, trees began to blow wildly in the wind, and clouds start to fill up the now dark sky. A golden beacon shoots up from the glowing dragon balls before winding and twisting into the shape of a snake. When the beacon's light fades a dragon is left in its place.

Shenron begins to talk,"Speak, name your first wish."

A seductive smile covers the mysterious figure's face. "I wish for.."

Meanwhile you find yourself slowly walking down the street as you reflect on the day. "I failed my math exam, got my lunch money stolen, and now Mackenzie's ghosting me.. Man, what a horrible day." You sigh as you head to your apartment. Once you get to your street you quickly take out your keys and prepare to enter the building.

As you move closer to the door you involuntarily slow down as if your being pulled backwards, the effect is so minuscule though that you don't acknowledge it. You go to put your key in the door  lock but the now the force has grown massively in strength and is starting to pull you back. You quickly turn around and notice what seems be a human-sized wormhole sitting in the parking lot of your apartment complex! The wormhole doesn't affect any of the other objects around as it lifts you off your feet and pulls you inside. You try to grip onto anything but there's nothing to hold onto, you've already been swallowed..

The wormhole pulls you down a long wavy path, it's as if you've been forced to ride the most disorienting water slide ever. This hell doesn't last long however because you're soon spit out and put into free fall hundreds of meters in the air.

"Okay (Y/N) just calm down and think!", You say aloud. You spread out your arms and legs to slow down your fall and quickly scan the surrounding area. You're above an ocean and there's dozens of islands around.

"Shit! I don't see anything I can use to break my fall and if hit the ocean from this height I'm a goner. I don't want to die like this!" You yell as your body quickly approaches the ocean's surface. Despite your cries, you slam face first into the ocean and immediately loose consciousness.

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