Chapter Seven: Fight

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Niki!" I said before quickly walking around the corner. I didn't even pay attention to what she asked next. I rushed down the large, white halls, thinking about what I was going to do. I then just decided to let fate decide what moves I would make. The doors of the cafeteria were now in my sight. I took a deep breath as I threw one of the doors open. I scanned the busy room, looking for that sunglasses bastard. My eyes landed on one of the circular tabled in the center of the cafeteria. 

There he was, eating a sandwich like he didn't almost just kill an SCP. 

Now my blood was just boiling in rage. I briskly walked over to him, considering what I going to say. 'Fuck it.' I thought as I grabbed his shoulder. He jumped and looked to me. He attempted to smile, but his "smile" faltered once he saw my rage. "Uh," he started, "Dr. Soot!" He now had a nervous expression on his face. 

"I think we need to talk." I growled at him. He shoved my hand off his shoulder and cleared his throat. 

"Maybe we should talk in private." He said quietly, standing up and out of his chair. I balled up my hands into fists, just thinking of what he did to those poor, defenseless kids. I was seeing red again. My mind wondered to other SCPs that he was probably "testing" too. Was he treating them as horribly as he was treating Tommy.

"I don't think that's necessary." I said with a smile. Eret looked stunned for a moment. Until I struck him right on the side of his face.

"So you want to play it like that?" Eret chuckled as his broken sunglasses fell to the floor. His bright white eyes watched me intensely. I lunged at him again, landing a strike on his jaw. He threw a punch back, hitting my left cheek. I was too pumped with adrenaline to notice the pain. I smiled again. 

"Is that all you got?" I huffed with my fists above my chest. He growled something under his breath before lunging at me. Suddenly everything was moving fast. 

I dodged, I hit. He hit me, I struck him back. There was blood clouding senses. I could taste it in my mouth. I could feel my nose dripping. I was smiling as we both started heaving for air, but I continued to push myself. I thought for a moment about how much trouble I was going to be in. I heard some yelling around the cafeteria as Eret and I continued our scuffle. I then felt a strong grip grab my arm as I went in to land another strike on Eret's face.

"WILBUR!" I heard the person yell. I looked to see who it was. It was none other than Dream. I looked up at him, lost for words. I couldn't see his face but he sounded pissed.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He yelled as his grip on my arm tightened. I tried to pry his hand off of me as he continued to lecture me. 

"He had it coming." I chuckled as I suddenly felt the extent of my wounds. I hissed in pain but didn't let it show. Dream released my arm and we looked to Eret, who was being restrained by Nick, or Sapnap as he like to be called. Eret looked awful. One of his eyes was bruised, blood was dripping down his nose and mouth, and he was littered in small bruises. He kicked against Sapnap's grip, but was ultimately worn out and taken out of the cafeteria in handcuffs by security personnel. I sighed as I brought my hand to my nose and felt the sticky blood running down my face and into my hand. 

"Lets get you to my lab." Dream mumbled, leading me down the hall by my wrist. He left no room for arguing as Sapnap and George followed behind us. 

~Time Skip~

I sat on the counter of Dreams lab with an ice  pack to my cheek. The bleeding from my nose had stopped. I had cleaned myself up a bit and changed out of my bloodied lab coat. My hands had bandages and were still shaking from the whole event. Dream was pacing the room as Sapnap and George would glance at me in disappointment every now and then. 

"What the fuck were you thinking, Wilbur?" Dream growled as he looked at my from halfway across the room. 

"I guess I wasn't." I sighed, looking down at my hands. Dream put his hand on his mask as if he were pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"I trusted that you wouldn't go do something IRRATIONAL!" He yelled, waving his hands around for effect. "And look what you did!" He let out a sound of frustration and put his hands over his "face". George sighed and attempted to comfort Dream. Sapnap sighed and look over at me.

"Yeah, Wil, you really screwed up this time..." Sapnap said as he stared at me in disappointment. 

"I sure did." I said, smiling. I didn't care if I was going to have to become D-Class or anything. Eret had learned his lesson. He was even taken to a holding cell until a supervisor or someone higher could speak with him. A few security personnel suddenly burst into the lab. 

"Dr. Soot, we'll need you to come with us." One of them said. I sighed and stood up.

"Farewell Dream!" I said, smiling as the guards hauled me off to somewhere. 

A/N: LONG CHAPTER! Just to make up for all this late story writing! I'm also sorry for anyone who got the notification for this update. I hadn't meant to publish the chapter, it wasn't finished. I was so tired that I accidently pressed "publish" instead of "save". Hopefully that won't happen again! I'm now thinking that updates will happen more often on weekends because all my homework is currently due on Fridays, meaning that I have the entire weekend for writing. I hope to update as much as possible, but I'm writing a few other stories that I kinda want to publish. However, this may be the only thing I ever publish because I'm really nervous to write and publish anything else  (。﹏。*)

Anyways, make sure to take your meds, eat, and say hydrated y'all!

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