I. Meet Patroclus Menoetius

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why do Pat and Achilles give off bucky and steve vibes? ://


Clytemnestra Tyndareus: Sister of Helen and cousin to Penelope. Dating Agamemnon. Popular; part of The Fairest.

Helen Tyndareus: Sister of Clytemnestra and cousin to Penelope. Dating Menelaus. Popular; part of The Fairest.

Penelope Icarius: Cousin to Helen and Clytemnestra. Popular; part of The Fairest.

Agamemnon Atreus: Brother to Menelaus. Dating Clytemnestra. Popular; part of the football team.

Menelaus Atreus: Brother to Agamemnon. Dating Helen. Popular; also part of the football team.

Achilles Peleus: Popular; part of the football team. Deemed the 'hottest guy' by the student lead newspaper team and by basically the whole school. 

Paris Priam: Brother to Hector. Son of principal. 

Hector Priam: Brother to Paris. Son of principal. Better liked than Paris.

Diomedes Tydeus: Popular; on the football team. 

Odysseus Laertes: Popular; top of the year and on the student-led newspaper team.

Patroclus Menoetius: New kid. 

righto let's go

Patroclus didn't know quite what to expect when entering the new school. He had never been to a school that didn't have uniforms before. His own parent's probably wouldn't have approved it if Achilles's dad hadn't suggested it. And seeing as Achilles's is currently the worlds best son and student maybe Patroclus could be as well if he attended the same school.

Initially, he dreaded meeting the person who would be showing him around as they were usually teacher pet type deals. But when he met Odysseus he was sure he wasn't a teacher's pet and rather something much worse.

"Greeting, brand new fellow classmate," was what the redhead said first, "I am Odysseus Laertes," But Patroclus was immediately thrown off when he was met with a bright flash from a camera.

"Did you just take a photo of me?" Patroclus stuttered, clearly surprised.

"For the newsletter," Odysseus shrugged. "So you're Patroclus?" Patroclus slowly nodded as he watched Odysseus scribble in his notebook. "Patro...clus...Menoe...tius..." 

Patroclus opened his mouth slowly before closing it. "Right,"

"And you're friends with Achilles?"

"Um, Achilles Peleus?"

"How many Achilles's do you know?" Odysseus rolled his eyes. 

Patroclus caught the words 'possible threat' next to his name. "Possible threat?"

Odysseus looked at him intently for a bit. "Yes. You're allied with Achilles. That makes you a threat,"

"Oh, do you not like Achilles?"

Odysseus snorted and waved his hand before walking down the corridor. "No, I am close with Achilles myself," Patroclus hurriedly followed after Odysseus. "You're a possible threat because you have the ability to cause chaos and drama in our high-school environment,"

"What do you mean?" Patroclus asked, thinking about whether he had just joined a high-school or a war zone.

"I am unsure of whether you are aware of who Achilles is in this school," Odysseus glanced at Patroclus. 

Ilios High School - The Iliad but its a highschool dramaWhere stories live. Discover now