Chapter 3

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"Fudge... Ugh fudge, fudge, fudge..." Enrique said as he struggled to open his eyes "just not my day... Where the truck am I?" Enrique asked himself as he looked around to see a very dark room with one spot light over himself, chained up to a stake in the floor "you're in my house stupid, and you're chained up." "Duh" Enrique mumbled to himself. "Shut your face hole!" A little girl said as she appeared out of the darkness wearing a yellow flower dress and had pig tails "we saw how you killed a Wonju, they're tough but man if you got a gun and some kind of aim, they'll fall at your knees" she said, walking in circles around him, studying him. "Who are you? And where is your house? Are there parents I can talk to?" Enrique asked. "Any more comments like that and I'll slice your balls off, I'm in charge here and I'll ask the questions. First of all what is your name? Where did you come from? Do you have a group? Was your group those two dead guys we saw?" Enrique had almost forgot about James and his friend that he never even got to meet "my names Enrique, I come from Orlando. I mean I was in a club in school, it was called HOSA it was pretty cool. Those guys aren't in my group and they threatened to kill me for no reason and they were about to but then some giant butterfly thing killed them before they got the chance. I've never seen anything like it, we need to call authorities right now!" Immediately after answering all her questions "wonju, that butterfly thing is called a wonju. They're pretty tough without a gun but with one they're as easy to kill as stepping on an ant. They can be found just about anywhere except deserts and anywhere near the coast. So basically without sand, and you're good. But sandy areas have their own dangers though" The girl said "I don't like the way you're answering my questions, think I'm stupid? Guess you don't want your balls" She said while cleaning her knife "I don't think I want to continue living without them. Listen I'll say whatever you want me to just put the knife down" Enrique said "I mean I don't think I have much money on me, and how come I've never heard of a wonju or whatever that thing is called?". Enrique asked "Probably because you're an idiot" she said with a grin on her face "shut up" Enrique mumbled "Answer me goshin darnit, why've you tied me up, and what the Heckin billops do you want with my balls?" The girl put on an angry expression "boss me around again, you will die a slow, painful death" Enrique knew he had to tone it down because she really meant it, he could tell. Based on her knife rag cleaning off blood. "What we want from you is information. Thought we could get out any information on if you have a group, use you as a hostage and take all your food. I really doubt that you don't have a group so spill it or else I will remove your privates." Enrique knew the only way to walk out of here was to lie, because she obviously wasn't believing the truth. "Fine, I have a group. About 30 people, about to be 32. We have twins on the way".  "Really? This long after everything went bad and you can tell if you have twins? Not buying it. Sorry I would like to believe you, but this is such a lie it hurts." She told him, walking forward and swinging her knife "Wait! Fine I'll tell you. I have a group, I don't know the direction because I don't know where I am now but it's a small camp, plenty of food for the six people we have." Enrique explained his lie and she seemed to be buying it "you've just lied to me, why should I trust this?" She asked. "Because, what do you have to lose?" Enrique hoped this would satisfy her, knowing if not that everything that makes him a guy would be gone. "While we would have gas to lose, getting there just to find out that you've lied..Hmm.. Let me talk to my higher ups" she put the knife down and walked out, leaving Enrique chained to a stake in the ground with only a spot light on above him. "Oh fudge if they do trust me then I'll have to take them to my fake group and once they know they don't exit they'll kill me anyways, I need to take this time to get out of here. This might be my last chance." Enrique looked around for something, anything to help him escape. The bruises on his face didn't hurt too much anymore, it must've been a few hours or so since he was punched into the ground. There was little to nothing within reach that could help him in any possible way. Before he could look for anything else a man came through the door; Enrique tried to look like he wasn't trying anything. "I hear you've got yourself a group?" The man said, through the bright light behind him, his face was all black. His figure was tall and skinny, the light that shined off his head showed he was probably a dirty blonde. "Yeah, I have a group" Enrique said hesitantly "where exactly?" The man asked "uhh well where you guys found me, the group was to the south. But I don't know where I am now so I can't really tell you..." Enrique said, knowing his life was going to end "the place we found you was to the south, so we'll just keep heading in that direction. Glad to have you on the team of destroying your group. For future reference my name is Brandon, and the girl you talked to is named Sonia. These may be aliases but you will address us as such. She may look young but she could beat anyone in a fight."
"And just where are her parents eh?" Enrique asked, lifting one eyebrow and not the other "she never had any, at least none that she met. I'm her care taker now, and for now you're my bitch."

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