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First off. 

In the original I had a person ask how did Izuku get the the letter saying he was accepted if he was underwater. Well, I did tell them how but it didn't make much sense so I've moved the house onto land and he now lives in a small beach house obviously still with his mother. Izuku still has One For All like normal and meets with All Might a lot.

Izuku is Semi-aquatic. He is able to live in both land and sea. He does need to cover his gills in some way so they can close and he can shift from his tail to his legs. He does need to drink a lot, and I mean A LOT of water in order to stay hydrated if he's on land for a long time.

Here's the info on his quirk:

Quirk: Mermaid


Shifting from tail to legs.
Can talk to fish or other aquatic life.
Is able to manipulate water to a certain extent.
His tail is extremely strong.
He can breathe underwater.
He has quick healing.


He can swim really fast.
Extremely skilled in underwater combat.
Can give people limited water-breathing, only in his mer-form.
Can cover his body with bubbles by wafting his tail quickly.
Can create bubbles from his hands and mouth.

Rules of His Quirk:

He must drink plenty of water to keep from dehydrating on land.

His quick healing only works if it's not something that could be fatal.

He can give people limited water breathing, only in his Mer-form and if they know he's doing it.

His bubble making depends on whether his hands are wet or not. If he dunks any of his body parts into the water, that body part will react and shift. His hands for example, since they need to be wet, he will need to dunk them into the water, and they will become webbed involuntarily.




Too much sunlight (It will cause his skin to dry up. He must wear sunscree)

Appearance (Mer-form):

Pointy ears (Like Amajiki).
Webbed hands with small claws.
Scales on his nose, around his eyes and gills, and around his arm fins.
Arm fins
A long green tail with a lighter colored dorsal fin

Appearance (Human form)

Pointy ears (The same as in mer-form).
Regular hands but still has small claws.
All scales have disappeared.
His fins disappear too.
And obviously he has legs instead of the tail.

Skip to next ****************************************if you don't want to read. In the story, it will reference back to here.

Mermaid Quirk Attacks:

Tail Smack. It's exactly what it sounds like. He smacks things with his tail. (Underwater)

Pistol Bubble. As he creates bubbles, he can smash them and create a loud sound.(Both underwater and on land)  (Based off the Pistol Shrimp. Look it up if you don't know what it sounds like. Since Izuku is a lot bigger than the shrimp, the sound is even louder.)

Special Moves or Ultimate Move:

Ultimate Move: Sonic Scream. His screams are incredibly loud and his screams can even cause waves and even small tsunamis. 


The Green-Scaled Beauty (Remake) (Tododeku) Where stories live. Discover now