"What if he's in trouble?" Jesse questions, the group in hushed voices.

"He can take care of himself." Joel whispers and Jesse can't believe what he's hearing from the pair, giving Dina a look, who just shrugs.

"The best way to help Tommy is to go after Abby. You do this, and we ain't saving your ass again." (Y/N) threatens.

Jesse looks between the adults and sighs. "I really hope you make it." He says, turning to go through the gap.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen and Dina rushes forward, turning back to her. "I have to go." She whispers. "I'm sorry." She mouths, going after Jesse.

Joel reaches out to his wife, who shrugs him off and sits on the edge, pushing herself off into the water.


At the aquarium, Joel slowly pushes open the door to the sound of muffled voices and himself and (Y/N) duck behind barrels.

"People don't come back from that island!" The woman, Mel, exclaims.

"How many times has Abby risked her life for you?" The man, Owen, reminds her.

"She chose this, I'm not fucking going there."

"Then don't!" He yells. "Go back."

"Fuck you, Owen."

(Y/N) stands, her rifle aimed and Joel follows suit, his pistol brandished. "Hands up." He orders. "Where's Abby?"

"You're that couple from Jackson." Owen realises.

"Tell us where she went." (Y/N) orders, her aims on Mel and Joel's on Owen.

"How do we know you won't kill us?" Mel breathes and her partner scoffs. "You give them what they want and we're dead."

"You guys can survive this, we just need her." The ex Firefly promises.

"Bullshit." Owen spits and she turns her attention to him, pulling out the map. Flipping it open, she motions to Mel.

"You. Get over here." She instructs and Mel is hesitant. "Get fucking over here!" She shouts and she does as she's told.

"Point to where she is on this map." (Y/N) holds it out, moving her rifle to Owen. "And then you. It better fucking match up."

Joel shifts on his feet, the same technique he had used to find his girls all those years back.

"Okay." Mel agrees and Owen is aghast. "What are you doing?"

"She's probably dead anyway!"

"It is not worth it." Owen tells her, moving forward and Joel steps in front. "Don't." He warns.

"We can talk about -"

"Back the fuck up!" Joel yells and (Y/N) waves the map again. "Point to where she is." She grits her teeth. "Fucking point!"

Owen wastes no more time, lunging for Joel and the pair fall to the floor. Joel takes his shot, the gun pressed into Owen's stomach and he pushes him off. Mel screams, grabbing (Y/N) and pushing her against a barrel, a knife in her hand and edging closer to her neck.

(Y/N) cries out, twisting her hand and kicking Mel back, bringing the blade into the woman's neck. She goes cold, blood spurting from her neck and out her mouth.

Joel grabs his wife, pulling her back and she pushes him away, grabbing the pistol he had dropped and going over to Owen.

"Tell me where Abby is."


The woman kneels down, pushing it into his throat. "Where the fuck is she?"

Owen chokes out inaudible words that Joel strains to hear, but (Y/N) looks horrified, tripping over her own feet to get away from his body. Her eyes move to Mel and Joel frowns. "Honey, what -"

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