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I forgot to say when I first published but credits for @ThatOneEmoDork for making me change my mind and the dream idea

(Y/N) breathes heavily, sitting up from her bed. The sheets were wrapped around her and she clutches them, the sweat beading at her forehead. Looking down to the body next to her, a wave of reassurance and then guilt overcomes her.

Tommy jolts in the chair that he sits on in the corner. He relaxes a little, a hand running over his face to rub the tiredness out when he realises it was only (Y/N) awakening from her sleep.

"Tommy... you don't have to be here you know." She breathes out, the grip relaxing.

"I know, but I thought you two could use with the company after what happened." He states, yawning.

"We can handle ourselves." She counters, looking down at the sleeping body beside her but her voice wavers in uncertainty.

"Sweetheart, you've both suffered a huge -"

He trails off as the person lying beside the woman stirs. (Y/N) looks back up to Tommy and softly shakes her head. "Not now."

"I don't think this is -"

"Tommy, I said not now!"

The exclamation awakens him and he sits up, looking between the pairing. "If you two were talking about it I suggest you stop."

"Joel..." (Y/N) breathes and he winces in pain, lying back down and ignoring her.

Tommy stands, giving a sympathetic yet understanding look. "I'll give you two some space." He suggests, heading out the door and once it clicks behind him, Joel is moving to lie on his back.

His wife looks over to him and how he stared at the ceiling. "I think we should talk about it." She sighs,

Joel taps his fingers lightly on his stomach, his face grimacing in the wounds he had sustained. He tilts his head, examining the white stitches across her face.

"What part? Abby beating you half to death, me almost dying or Ellie actually dying?" He hums.

Ellie was screaming for Joel to get up and when Abby delivers what she thought was the final blow, all powerful rage descended on the young girl like a red mist.

With a shove, the power overcomes the weight of the man and he falls back. Nobody is quick to react apart from Ellie, who throws herself between Abby and Joel.

The woman doesn't hesitate to continue her beatings, yet this time on the girl getting in her way.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) had opened her eyes again to the sight of the group dispersing and she clocks eyes on Ellie crying out in pain.

"El!" She screams, her voice cracking and she forces herself to get up.

The only ones in the room was now Abby, Joel, herself and Ellie. Abby screams out in frustration and pent up anger, her hands shaking at the realisation she had murdered the wrong one. The club clatters to the floor and she backs up, her breathing rapid and she wastes no time in running out.

(Y/N) had pulled herself to Ellie's side, ignoring her own pain and delicately touches Ellie's shoulder. "El..." she whispers but the body doesn't move.

"No, sweetie." She chokes out, dragging herself to sit up as her leg lies out, paralysed and riddled with her own blood. With urgency, she pulls Ellie onto her lap, her red stained hands clutching the girl's face.

"Come on." She whispers, willing her eyes to open but Ellie was cold and (Y/N) wipes at her nose and eyes. "Ellie." She says, this time more stern.

From behind her, she can hear the soft whimper of Joel, alerting her that he was still alive and she chokes out in relief and despair.

(Y/N) gets out of bed, standing at their cabinet and her fingernails dig into the wood. Joel watches her movements and then he sits up, clutching his side and sitting on the side of the bed.

"There was nothing we could." He says. "Trust me, I know."

(Y/N)'s (E/C) orbs trail to the photo of Joel and Sarah and her breath catches in her throat. Beside it was of him, her and Ellie and she can't help herself as she pushes it down, keeping a shaky hand on top of it.

"How can you be so calm." She whispers.

"It's like Sarah all over again. If I let it overcome me, there ain't no coming back." He responds, his voice dark.

"So what am I exactly supposed to do, Miller?" (Y/N) questions, turning to face him and he shrugs, lying back down.

"Move on. She wasn't your daughter." He states, his back now to her.

She stares at his back, expecting him to apologise or say something else and when he doesn't, she nods.

"I need some air." (Y/N) grabs her jacket and makes her way to the door, slamming it shut behind her.

Flicker||TLOUII {Joel x Reader} Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat