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Sorry for the slow update but I also don't know if this makes sense because I tried to shorten it to the basics

"How many WLF do you think are there?'' Dina breaks the silence, following behind the adults.

''At least eight.'' (Y/N) counts in her head and Dina scoffs slightly. ''If we're lucky, that'll be it.''

''Honey, we'll be fine. Just stay alert.'' He woman warns and Joel sighs.

The ride towards the fuel distribution was silent, neither any one of them saying a word to each other. They wouldn't speak it, but Ellie was weighing on all three's minds. It seemed to create a dark mood in the air that dragged around them no matter how long they rode in the light.

In the place of worship, the Dina tries to make light jokes here and there, but neither adults give and they have a failed trip with no results.

"Shit, now we have to try our luck at the courthouse garage."

The ride to there was equally as painful and once arriving at their destination, (Y/N) opts to wait outside. She watches the pairing disappear and she decides to lean against the wall, her hand on her stomach as she looks down at the grass. Her thumb instinctively runs across the fabric of her top and it feels like no time has passed as a gate drops and her companions return.

"Gasoline." Dina smirks, holding up the canister.

The trio head back to the gate where Joel works the generator and (Y/N) punches in the code. Once the gate is open, Dina leads the two horses through.

"Well, no welcoming committee." She jokes and notices their expressions. "Or they're just waiting for us?"

"Keep an eye on the windows." (Y/N) warns.

Dina takes note of how her (E/C) eyes scan the area and she bites her lip, chewing at the corner in paranoia. She watches how Joel clutches at the reigns, his face tight and his forehead creased, every so often taking glances back at his wife.

Joel stops them outside the fence and (Y/N) hauls herself on to the bin, pulling herself over the fence.

Landing on her feet, she winces slightly, doubling over and Joel lands next to her. "Hey, what -"

"Look out!" Dina yells and Joel pushes his wife behind him, unsheathing a machete and not hesitating to bring it across the body of an infected.

The young girl takes out the other two and (Y/N) breathes heavily. "Okay." She whispers and Joel shakes the blood off his weapon, scowling at her.

"I told you it was dangerous." He growls, leading into the hotel as she rolls her eyes and reluctantly follows.

Going through the hotel, a couple of floors up, (Y/N) opens up the door to a room. She sees the body propped in the chair first, the curtains draped shut and casting the room in an soft orange glow.

"Shit. The fuck happened here." Dina mutters, her defence lowering as she holsters her pistol.

(Y/N) strides forward, pushing the man's head up and Joel's eyes widen slightly. "Tommy did this." He states, examining the wounds.

"This? No way." Dina scoffs but the older woman nods, agreeing with her husband. "It was definitely him."

She lets the head fall, taking a step back and Joel takes her arm. "This is one of the ones that killed Ellie." She whispers and Dina looks at the body in horror.

She then edges her way past, cursing as she spots a second. "There's another one over here."

Joel gives his sweetheart a sympathetic look and moves past her to get a look. "No, I don't recognise him." He looks over at (Y/N), who, with her arms crossed, looks down and shakes her head.

"He was using them against each other." The older woman realises, her eyes flickering between the two dead bodies and Dina frowns. "How?"

Joel keeps his stare on (Y/N), who doesn't dare look up at him.

"Because Joel told me what he did. You ask this guy a question, but you don't make him say it, you make him write it down. Then you ask this guy." She motions to the one in the chair.

Her husband sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and wincing slightly as she explains.

"And if the facts match, they're telling the truth." (Y/N) concludes. "I've never actually seen him use it, but it's a fucking way to get someone to talk." She breathes.

"This just happened. He can't be far off." Dina reassures the couple.

(Y/N) leans her head on Joel's back, her eyes closed and her arms wrapped tightly around his stomach.

"How are you holdin' -"

Joel doesn't get to finish the sentence as once the horse leaps over the barrier, an explosion sends them flying off.

Dina rolls down a hill and Joel groans, having landed on his front. He looks over to (Y/N)'s who's mouth was agape in pain and the wind had been knocked from her lungs as she lies on her back, frozen.

"Get the other! Don't lose her!"

(Y/N)'s eyes sting with tears and she watches a man shoot their horses and Joel pushing himself up with his hands.

Rolling onto her stomach, she clutches her side and pulls her bow off herself, her arm stretching to grab an arrow that had fallen out of her quiver.

Joel had grabbed his rifle, but the man was faster and had pulled it from his grip, not hesitating to ram it into his face.

"No!" (Y/N) exclaims as he falls unconscious and her hands shake as she tries to load her bow.

The man strides over to her, lifting his boot up and bringing it down heavily on her face, sending her into darkness.

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