Chapter Eight: The Promise

Start from the beginning

I felt someone nudge me and I looked up to see Draco. I smiled and got up from my seat and followed Draco out of the Great Hall.

"See you for dinner?" I asked. Draco nodded and I made my way to the Dungeons for Double Potions. I was one of the first few in the classroom. I found my seat neat Severus's desk and sat down waiting for the others to enter.

"We have a interview with Rita Skeeter tomorrow." Fluer stated as she sat next to me. Fluer and I became quiet the friends since we were the only two girls in the tournament.

"For real?" I whined, "I hate that women." Fluer laughed at my childish manner and I couldnt help but laugh with her.

"Open your books to page 452 and do the death-cap potion. You have the whole class." Severus demanded, as he walked into the room. I sighed and went to get the ingredients. As I walked back to my desk I bumped into someone. All the ingredients I had in my hand nearly fell, but luckily I caught them. I looked up to see George smiling widely.

"Clumsy much?" George laughed. I rolled my eyes with a smile and walked around the goof ball. I looked over at Severus who had a jealousy written on his face. I smiled at how easily he got wound up.

After about an hour, Severus walked around the room to check on our potions. I was done along time ago. When he got to mine he gave me a stern look.

"Nicely done. Ten points to Slytherin." Severus nodded. I smiled proud of myself. "After you clean up you may leave." I nodded and cleaned up my work station. After I was finished I grabbed my things and left. I gave George a mischievous smile on my way out.

I walked up to my common room and nearly bumped into Harry. "Harry!" I smiled.

"Now you may explain yourself." Harry said sternly.

"Come with me." I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the Slytherin Common Room. I looked around when we got there to see if we got inside.

"Professor Snape made me promise to try a normal relationship with someone else. He said that this was the only way to keep me safe." I explained.

"Safe from what?" Harry asked.

"I can't tell you. I made a promise to both Severus and to my father and to Dumbledore not to tell anyone." I sighed looking down at the ground.

"More secrets? I thought we were passed all of that!" Harry shouted.

"I wish I could tell you, but this is something you have to learn on your own. Dumbledore's words not mine." I explained, "However I can give you hints. As long as you guess it on your own I think I am safe. Just dont be going around saying that you learned this from me."

"Alright Im listening." Harry nodded.

"You remember last year when my father protected us from Remus in his werewolf form?" I asked. Harry nodded. "You remember when you saw the Patronous of the Deer?" Harry nodded again, "The Patronous was not one from your parents."

"Then whose was it?" Harry asked.

"Three hints." I smiled, "He is a Professor here, He is head of Slytherin House, and I am in love with him."

"Professor Snape?!" Harry whispered. I nodded. "But why?"

"He is a double agent. After he graduated he went to aid the Dark Lord. However after the death of your mother he went to ask Dumbledore for help. Dumbledore asked him to stay on Voldemort's good side and report back to him and the Order." Harry nodded and digested everything I have told him.

"So did he put my name and yours in the Goblet of Fire?"Harry asked.

"That is what you take from that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Harry sighed and mumbled something inaudible.

"No he is not the one who put our names in the Goblet of Fire. But I have a sneaky suspicion on who it is." i explained.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Yes who Miss Black?" I snapped my head around and saw Professor Moody.

"Hullo Professor." I gulped.

"Both of you get to class." Moody snapped. Harry and I both nodded and headed to Hagrid's hut. I always liked Care of Magical Creatures and Hagrid was an excellent teacher. However, I zoned out during every class because it was an easy enough class to pass.

Once class was finished I went to find Jasmine and Lindsey. Who I knew would be in the Great Hall for their breaks. Luckily we all had a break together so I wouldnt have to sit alone and start thinking about Severus and the promise.

"Rhiannon!" Jasmine yelled, nearly toppling me over.

"Jasmine." I acknowledged, giving Lindsey a wink. "Come on let's sit down near Lindsey and George." I grabbed her hand and walked over to the empty table that they sat at. I looked up at the High table and saw Severus with an amused look on his face.

I'm glad you are enjoying yourself Mister, I thought to myself. I sat next to George and gave him a loving embrace, making sure Severus saw. I wanted him to know, without actually telling him, that I am making good on my promise.

"Well hello to you too." George smiled. I gave him a flirtatious smile and opened my Potions book and began reading some of the potions I knew we would go over later in the semester. I smiled as I heard Jasmine and Lindsey talking about boys and George whining about it.

"Oh come now Georgie, you know it's a thing of nature. It's in girls nature to talk about guys." I stated without looking up from my textbook. I finally looked his way and gave him a big smile while he just rolled his eyes at me. I giggled and looked up at the High Table for like the millionth time since I walked in and noticed Severus was gone. I looked around the room and noticed him shoving Harry and Ron's heads into their books to get them to be quiet and actually work. I nudged George and pointed at them. We laughed quietly not wanting Severus to do the same to us. Even though I wouldnt mind. As long as I felt him. I wanted to just go up to him and kiss him and feel his hands explore my body. However I knew I could not do that and risk everything like that. If the Ministry ever found out Severus would be out of a job. I looked up as an owl came into the room. Remus's owl to be in fact. I had written to him telling him to speak to my father about what happened when my father came to Hogwarts.

The owl dropped the letter onto my book. I felt my heart sink when I realized that it was not just a letter. It was a howler. I looked up, my hands shaking, and howler in hand.

"Miss. Black, come with me please." Severus hissed as I got up to follow him to the room off to the side of the High Table. Once I reached the room and entered, I opened the howler.

"How dare you! How could you do this! I want to know just one thing. Why? Why him?" The howler screeched, "How did this happen? Don't worry I wont tell anyone about the both of you. But I swear if he gets you pregnant or hurts you in anyway I will kill him myself!" The howler finished and tore itself up. I looked wide eyed to Severus. Tears threatening to form.

A/N: Okay so probably not the best chapter. However I would love to hear from you guys! So Please Comment and heart!

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