his complexion was very pale. no markings, freckles, nothing was visible on his skin. it was clear. his eyes were a brown color with flecks of a darker shade of brown. he wore glasses that made his eyes stand out even more. his hair as dark as a the night sky when no stars are shining. he was very short. shorter than a normal sized teenager. so that made him look like a child but i could tell by the way he carried himself he was older than a teenager. he also wore a dress shirt and a tie so that made him stand out in a plain way. not like if someone had a crazy hair color but he stood out by his plain and beautiful looks.
he was simply beautiful.

"this all?" i asked as i checked scanned the milk. "yes." his phone continued to go off. he pulled it out furiously. him getting that frustrated was actually pretty adorable. he payed and before he walked out he turned around to ask me something. "are you by any chance related to the old coach ukai that worked a karasuno high?" he asked.
yup i am.
"yeah." he nodded as he walked out of the store.

back to real time-

"okay but what do you feel for him? are you unsure it's love because you sound kind of  unsure." she asked as we sat down on a park bench.
what did i feel?

"well when i see him i feel as if everything wrong in this world could be made right by just his smile.
his face could make the strongest army fall of in our case the strongest volleyball team fall. when i look at him i feel as you feel when you got the one thing you wanted in life. his presence makes me scared yet calm all at the same time. i get nervous when i'm around him. nervous like i've never been. not while playing volleyball but like...love. like being nervous of loving him. nervous of the possibility of losing him. nervous that these feelings won't be the same once i tell him. nervous that he.. well that he doesn't love me the way
i love him."

i stuttered a lot as i poured out my heart and soul to her. she smiled.
"well there. you admitted your in love to a person other than yourself. so that's a win."

yeah i did.
so step 1 complete.

"so what now?"
she looked at me with a worrisome expression.
"write him a letter. it doesn't have to be long. but just to tell him your feelings. put what you just told me.
you need to find a way to tell him and if you can't say it with your words at least write the poor guy a letter." i sighed.

so the letter is step 2.

"goodbye ukai. don't be a pussy and just do it."
she waved goodbye to me as she left me standing alone in front of my apartment. we left to head to training camp in the morning.
"i have to tell him sometime this week.
before we go up against any other teams.
he and i also have to be in sinc so i have to just tell him."

i looked up at the night sky to see it's dark. barely any stars are visible. the sky reminds me of him.
of his hair mostly. but the stars remind me of how much there is still for me to learn about him.
just like how many more stars there are to find in the sky. there's always more than just a clear sky.
there's stars in it you just haven't found them yet.

all night i worked on the letter. i didn't want it to be too long or too short. so i went with one page.
front and back. it'll never be enough to just tell him they a letter but it's a start.

i prepared myself to see him once again.
to spend a whole week with him. i'm being like a little kid when they get to spend the day with their crush. i will give it to him this week. i took one last deep breathe before walking up to him in the karasuno high parking lot.

"hey takeda."
he turned around and smiled.
"good morning."

i fucking love him.
i forgot to add this in there but i'm to tired too.
they did hook up.
but they talked over lunch about what he feels for her and for takeda just to make that clear.
i'm too fucking lazy to put that in there.
so honestly this was more about accepting he has feelings for him out loud instead of keeping thoese feelings to himself
which i know me and a lot of people i know have trouble accepting feelings so that was kinda related to that so ye.
okay ima go curl up in a ball and procrastinate to pack.

like i just need someone to send these too so since i have literally no love life whatsoever y'all are getting

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like i just need someone to send these too so since i have literally no love life whatsoever y'all are getting. these.

okay now ima go

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okay now ima go

𝑢𝑘𝑎𝑖 𝑥 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑑𝑎-𝑢𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora