"It's admirable, that's for sure" Isaac's mother admitted. "Are your parents supportive?"

Lexi hesitated at answering but decided to do so anyway. "They're worried— I mean, they want me to be happy, but they also want to be successful. I know they're concerned that all my hard work will pan out to nothing, and that I'll have to figure something else out. But I know I'll find success one way or another. And I do have other career paths- such as working for a publisher or becoming a teacher. Or I could go the self-publishing route, rather than becoming an author through traditional publishing."

"At least you have some sort of back-up plan. But honestly, I'm more interested in your relationship with my son."

I knew it, Lexi thought. But she was able to keep that to herself. "What do you wanna know?"

"What kind of relationship did you have last year? Back when you two weren't dating, I mean," Isaac's mother clarified.

"We were friends the entire time. I first met him through Nikita, 'cause she was my roommate last year, and she wanted me to meet all of her friends from high school. We also had a class together called Intro to Academic Writing, so we talked a lot during study sessions and lecture breaks. The idea of dating Isaac never even crossed my mind until he asked me out this year."

"So, you never had any feelings for him when he and Cassie were together?"

Lexi bit her lip upon hearing her enemy's name spoken by her boyfriend's mother. But once again, she kept her composure intact while taping up a couple of large boxes shut. "Correct. We were just friends at the time. To be honest, neither of us was looking for a relationship when we began dating. I think we were just seeing whether or not we cared about each other as more than friends, so to speak. But it happened, and I'm glad it did. I won't speak for Isaac, but I hope that he feels the same way about me."

Isaac's mother raised her eyebrows, causing Lexi to tense up. But the older woman managed a small grin a moment later.

"If what he's told me is any indication," she said, "then I think it's safe to say that he does feel the same way."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that," Lexi remarked. And I'm glad to hear that from you, of all people, she added silently. "He's honestly a really sweet guy."

By this point, the kitchen was all packed up. Isaac's mother had quite the smile on her face, which made Lexi grin in return.

"Looks like we're done."

"You're right about that," Isaac's mother said. "You were incredibly helpful. Thank you for giving us a hand."

Lexi's grin widened into a smile. "You're welcome. And it was really nice that we were able to chat."

"You know, I'm gonna have to agree with that," Isaac's mother replied.

"Should we see if Isaac and his dad need some help?" Lexi suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that. The sooner we're all packed up, the sooner we can head home to Buffalo."

The two women made their way upstairs to find Isaac packing up his clothing and toiletries, while his father was scribbling out labels on each box with a sharpie.

"Need some help?" Isaac's mother asked.

"Yeah, totally," Isaac answered. "We still have that one shelf to empty and disassemble."

"We'll take care of that," Lexi said.

Isaac's father didn't say anything but noticed her happily jumping in to assist them. He grinned while continuing the task at hand.


A few hours later, Isaac's belongings had been packed in boxes and inside his father's SUV. Lexi stood on the front porch with a slight lump in her throat. She knew that Isaac would be leaving soon, which had been coming for a while now. But that didn't make it any better. She twirled a lock of hair with her finger as her gaze settled on the jam-packed SUV parked in the driveway of the now-vacant house.

"So, you're heading home in a few days?"

The sudden question startled Lexi out of her thoughts. She looked over to her right to see Isaac's father standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, that's right," she replied. "I love New York City, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to seeing my parents again."

"I don't blame you," Isaac's father remarked. "Thanks for helping, by the way. You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to," Lexi insisted. "It would've been rude to have just left without offering, right? Besides, I enjoyed it."

Isaac's father frowned as if he didn't believe her. But rather than backpedal, Lexi smiled. "I hope that's okay," she added.

"Yeah, I appreciate it," Isaac's father said, finally relenting. His eyes showed signs of defeat like he was conceding to Lexi's story.

Just then, Isaac and his mother appeared behind him.

"Ready to go?"

Isaac's father grinned at his wife. "I am— you?"


Isaac hesitated. "Would you mind giving Lexi and me a minute? Please?"

His parents agreed before leaving for their vehicle. Lexi followed her boyfriend back into his place, where they stood in the entryway.

"So...this is it," Isaac said. "Until September, that is."

Lexi laughed a little. "Yeah. You know you're welcome to text or call me anytime?"

"Oh, I will. I'm gonna miss seeing your face in-person, though."

"I'm gonna miss you, too."

The couple shared a tender kiss.

"I'd offer to drive you back to your apartment, but I don't think there's any room in our car," Isaac admitted.

"That's okay," Lexi said, "it's not that far from here. Besides, the weather's nice enough that a walk is just fine."

Isaac smiled before kissing her lips again in a tender manner. He held her waist carefully, while Lexi stood on her tiptoes so she could drape her arms on his shoulders. Once they broke apart, she got back on her footing.

"Have a safe trip."

"Thank you, Lexi. Could you...message me when you get to San Diego? Please?"

"Yeah, sure. I promise I'll do that."

After sharing one more kiss, the couple exited the house. Isaac locked it up before hightailing it to his parents' car. As they drove off, Lexi waved until the vehicle was out of sight.

Yeah, we're gonna be alright, she thought before beginning the short walk back to her apartment. Despite having to now be apart for a few months, Lexi knew that this separation was merely temporary. But she was already looking forward to seeing Isaac in-person once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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