titanic rising

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This is how it feels to be in love. There is a certain fanfare about it, perhaps to mask the layers of anxiety beneath it. We've all been hurt in our own ways, in our own stories, haven't we? Yet here you are again

I've seen people falling out of love. The light and the glow shining from their eager eyes slowly fade into a disgusting glare. And that's the better example. The worst that could happen is when the eyes grow empty, indifferent, tired. There is no joy in seeing your significant other, no love, not even rage, no emotion. Tasteless, dull, inescapable.

This isn't the movies. How reckless would it be to promise that we'll come out of this unhurt? Yet in this conundrum I decide to hang onto the absurd. That's what love is, is it not? To have faith, a leap of faith. When in love, the best of lovers brace themselves for the loss of everything(and worse, each other), yet hang on to the Absurd; the notion that they'll instead gain it all. And yet before this whole cocktail of words formed themselves in the depths of my mind, you've already told me "Maybe we'll come out of this victorious".

So I'm holding to the absurd, and so are you. And I'd like to believe that we'll win it all in the end.

Then again, life isn't a movie. Many wish it were that simple, but is it really?? There's always a predictable unpredictability to a lot of these movies; we all know things will go wrong and then eventually resolve itself, even the tragedies do, somehow. But life's unpredictability is far more unpredictable; it lurks, and when life blossoms into perfection the storm can strike at any time.

The Titanic sank with lovers and their love. And beyond that, more tragedies, more fears, and all the stiffling fear the world can shove in your face. But what if that's exactly why our love is different? What if through realizing our own faults we know we'll struggle and fall, and then rise? You don't "complete" me, I don't "complete" you. It's just that, I think we're very, very good together.

Titanic Rising isn't the best album to use as a basis of a love letter. Somehow, we found beauty in the honesty of its tragedy. I love you, дорогая.


आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Albums in My Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें