heaven or las vegas

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Uncertainty is quite the troublesome foe, just from how certain it is. It seems a given that what can go wrong, will go wrong. In fact, is it not the certainty of uncertainty that makes it so dangerous? If uncertainty were as uncertain as it means then we wouldn't have a lot of trouble with it as we do today!

Everything is changing, yet it all stays the same. The old are lamenting the youths, while the youths mourn for the loss of their youth. We've never been so alone, and somehow eager to be alone as well. Maybe we've forgotten what it means to be human.

They've never really figured it out either, so don't blame me for my confusion.

Sometimes you cannot put into words the melanchoy that strikes deep into your soul at the most random of times. Makes you wonder : are we really as rational as we say we are?

What I know for sure is that there are sad, gloomy, and rainy days when I look out on the world through my car window. I loved to see the water droplets "race" down the window pane, in my daydream I'd think of what could have been, what is, and what is coming in the future.

Sometimes there are sorrows you cannot put into words. People may not see or acknowledge that your're struggling, and you've come to terms with it. Other times, a sense of joyousness a warm hug conveys better than a 3000-word essay.

It's rough all over, everyone's got the short end of the stick, it's just a matter of whose turn and when the turn starts.

Despair can be horrific; it can be poignant as well.

But who am I to know?? I've yet to despair. Maybe one day I can truly, deeply despair, and open unto me  world unlike any of which I've seen before. But until then, stay with me.

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