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Granger told me she's coming to my flat to just hang out, i asked my house elf to prepare the most delicious food ever. It's odd knowing that i never did this if i'm about to have a guest, i guess Granger is still special, i dont know.

Granger arrived a few hours later looking beautiful as always but i'm too shy to told her that so i just smiled when she arrived. It's still awkward between us so we just shake hands after she handed me her coat for me to hang it on. I asked her to give a taste at the food that i've prepared for her,

"Wow, You did all of this?" She asked curiously, walking around the table, eyeing on the food one by one. 

"Of course not, no my house elf did" i laughed, that's because i was too busy working until i forget to learn how to cook. 

"Of course" She giggled, she knew i cant cook. It was super awkward, we didn't talk, she just kept staring at my place's interiors and photos

"You rally do have good taste in interiors," she said, admiring everything one by one.

"Oh n-no it was Ast-" i suddenly stopped, i don't know why.

"Oh im sorry i didn't mean to" she felt guilty

"No no it's okay, it wasn't your fault. I only do the paying part, this was all hers" i laughed.

"I was just trying to make conversations" She said awkwardly

"I know i know" I tried to reduce the tension because of course we need a lot to do to be civil again, i'm already expecting this meeting to be this awkward.

After a few moments of awkward silence, again, she finally spoke " So How's Scorpious?" She asked

"Well, i hate to say it, but i wasn't that close to Scorpious but ever since the funeral, we get along pretty well thank god. It was my mistake because i was too focused on working, not realizing that a son needs his father figure to. But now, he owled me almost every day telling me what he did, i hope i didn't get called to the school because of his pranks with Albus. They're such troublemakers according to Mcgonaggal. The reason why i get along with Potter really well is because we often got owl to come to Hogwarts because of our sons" I laughed a little.

"Just like Fred and George" She faked laugh because i knew how much Fred meant to her and the Weasleys, as much as i didn't want to admit it, the Weasleys have been always welcoming. She was still in deep shock because of his death, everybody is. 

"Granger I'm so sorry" I tried to comfort her.

"no no no it's fine, not your fault why are you apologizing" She tried to wipe her tears.

"It was one of us, Dolohov" I said 

"What happened, happened right?" 

Another moment of awkward silence for the hundredth time, she still tried to wipe her tears because it kept welling. I wanted to give her a warm embrace so bad but i was still to afraid about it, since we just talked a week ago, so i just handed her a tissue.

"Oh thanks" She said, i just give her a simple nod.

"Anyway.." She broke our awkward silence.

"I got something for you" she said as she tried to explore her handbags.

"Here" he gave me a medium white box.

"For me? You don't have to" i smiled

"I remembered tomorrow's your birthday am i right?"

"No" I laughed as i opened the mysterious gift Granger bought me.

"Stop lying, i do know it's your birthday tomorrow," She said. I tried my absolute hardest to not smile because of what she said, please dont blush Malfoy.

"What is this" I asked still having no idea with what she bought me, a rectangular thingy where pictures are moving just like pictures in the Daily Prophet. Trying to observe this thing from top to bottom.

"It's called as the phone Malfoy"

"The what? Fown?"

"Yeah! Phone" She answered gladly.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to not like this, but may i ask what is this for? My dad doesn't seem to have this Fown"

"Because it's a muggle device for you to communicate"

"Like owling?" I asked still had no idea what is this thing

"Yeah but owling takes days or weeks or even months to heard a reply, in this phone when you communicate it take seconds for someone to reply you know" She explained.

"Wait you didn't even know what a phone is? You're filthy rich and your dad never buys you a phone?" Ouch. Well you cant when your father is in Azkaban Granger.

"I-i'm sorry i didn't mean" She covered her mouth because she just realized she made a mistake of mentioning my father who was in Azkaban this whole time, plus we never get along that well during his time here either.

"It's okay Granger, really"

"How much is this Granger is it expensive?" I asked confusedly, trying to distract her from what see said earlier.

"Dont sweat it, consider it as a birthday gift from me, i already put mine and Harry's numbers"

"Wait Potter has it too? Do all wizards have this?"

"Well no, this is what muggles usually use, but it's beneficial"

I hold it weirdly still having no idea what is this thing do. I'm afraid imma blow it after i press things in here.

"Well thank you very much, Granger," i told her with a smile.

"Oh my god" suddenly she laughed hysterically for no reason.

"What?" I asked confusedly

"You're smiling"

"i what?"

"You smiled!" Me? Smiling? No she must be mistaken, i don't do smiles. 

"No you got me wrong i never smile Granger, i smirk"

"Whatever but it's me who saw you, not you, so"

"I'm not smiling Granger"

"Yes you are" She said as soon as she closed the door and go home.

Maybe i am smiling, for the first time after Astoria's passing, i dont know, maybe.

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