Part 2: Bitter Sweet First Love

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D I T Y A   B A K S H I

"Are you sure? Like 100%?

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"Are you sure? Like 100%?."

I nodded at Mahi, my best friend Mehak Farha, who is now thinking 100 ways to console me. But, today even she is out of words. She is as confused as me. No one can blame her, after all, he was her brother like a best friend.

Varun Jha, the man who made me feel that butterfly feeling. The same man who is now my nightmare.

Okay, that was a bit exaggerated. Because he wasn't some possessive or obsessive lover. Quiet opposite to it, a perfect gentleman. It's the same reason why we broke up. He thought about me, my comfort, my career, my life. Why does he have to be so good? Couldn't he become selfish for once?

Who am I kidding? It's the same trait which made me head over heels for him.

I met Mahi and Varun during high school. My family shifted here in between my 8th standard due to my father's transfer. Truth to be told I was afraid. I wasn't someone who become comfortable with others easily. I take time to mingle with someone. But Mahi, she just barges into my comfort zone and the next day I was eager to talk to her and she didn't come alone. Varun Was like a buy one gets one offer.

He even for once thought before taking me to their small group and made me feel comfortable. They helped ne to blend in, guide me and hold my hands when I stumbled over.

By the tenth standard, I felt my feelings changing for Varun. He becomes more than a friend to me. How wouldn't I? Call it cliche but he was like every girl's dream. Every girl in our tried to make a move on him which he politely declined. As I said before, the true gentleman he is. But I was 99.9% sure that he will never see me as more than a friend. I was content being the silent lover that I am. But one day Mahi caught me stealing glances at him.

That day, she made me spill the beans, in the comfort of her room. She was like planned mine and his wedding by the time I confessed my love for Varun.

Love... Can I call it love? I don't know. All I know is he was special. Very special for that matter.

As we were hugging and sharing our happiness we didn't felt his presence by Mahi's room door. When we realised all we saw was his retreating figure but that was for us to realise he had heard everything.

That day being Friday, I still remember how I cried the weekend away in my bedroom. On Monday, I wasn't ready to go to school, if it wasn't for Mahi.

That day as we expected, Varun didn't sit with us in our usual seat, didn't ear lunch with us, didn't hang out with us. The whole school was shocked, and when it happened for the next 3 consecutive days, things got bad. Routers spread like a wildfire. The reasons for our fight was many. That day we got to know how creative were our classmates. I got another reason for crying at the weekend.

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