First Mission

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Last chapter, we kissed. Hmmm.......

Well I did threat him that it would be a mistake to kiss me but I threated him in my mind. And I thought about it. He should deserve a punishment. No you perverts not that sort of punishment. So, I asked appa to give me a duel mission where I would have to grab a partner. And that partner is yes Taehyung. Well this punishment is to actually test him how good he is at his work. So, at school now is lunch time.

' Hey!' I exclaimed beating Taehyung's arms

' Woah woah woah! Girl calm down.....'

' How can I calm down?! '

' Why what happened? '

' You freaking kissed me yesterday! '

' Oh ' He looked shocked.

Guess he just realized what he did yesterday

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Guess he just realized what he did yesterday.....🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Well lets just take him to the punishment part.

' Well forget that my dad told me to do a duel mission. And he said that since I have met many next heirs I could trust anyone of them and take them with me and see how good they are at their training. '

' And why are you telling me this? '

' Because I am taking Jiminie with me. ' I said

' What why? You don't even know him well as you know me. And he can't even protect himself what will he do with you? Take me. ' Ahhh just what I wanted.

' Seems like someone has a crush here.....' Jimin whispered to Jungkook. With that Taehyung's expression changed to a angry one. And he turned around and spoke to those two. ' You two do know that I carry a gun with me right? ' He said through gritted teeth. ' We all do. ' Namjoon said from the corner, ' If you want to go with Y/n you can go and its only possible if Y/n wants to. And as your leader I guess its good for you to go on a mission because you haven't gone in a mission since uncle and aunt came here in Seoul. ' Yes thank you Namjoon for your agreement because I am taking him.

'So Y/n who do you want to take me or Jimin? ' Taehyung asked me I could see the hopes in his eyes.

' Okay as you are asking so much I guess I'll have to take you. Sorry Jiminie..'

' Its okay Y/n. '

' So when is it? '

' Today at 3. Right after school. In an abounded building there is supposed to be a drug dealer we need to find him, bring him to boss (Appa). And he decides if we get to kill him or he. ' I described to him as we walked to our next class which is dance. And again they danced first.

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