21. Not a Good Night

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"About all those things you don't want to talk to me about," I added.

Dick paused. He moved me away from him and turned to me. He held my hand.

"I know you didn't mean to leave me out and there are lots of things I shouldn't know. I'm not even supposed to know you have two jobs," I continued. "But, I don't want you to dwell on two heavy boulders by yourself, too."

"Love, I can't thank you enough for understanding that, in fact, I'm willing to bet that no one can understand all that the way you do," Dick said. "And guess what, you're even the most understanding person I know. And it's not just about these 'two jobs' thing. You're just... you're such an understanding and the most loving person. That's why I don't talk to you about this."


"Understand," Dick completed.

I smiled.

"Rome, I'm sorry," Dick said.

"No, you're okay," I said.

Dick looked down. He shifted my left hand a little closer to his face. He seemed to like the ring more than I did. Well, he paid for it.

After a while, Dick lifted my hand and kissed my knuckles. The first time lasted longer than the later three pecks.

With so, Dick moved me to his lap. We hugged each other again. I didn't know if I could know for sure, but, Dick felt so fragile that second.

The next second, Dick silently cried again. That turned me busy trying to make sure that Dick new I was there. That I was really there.

Dick's quiet sobbing pierced my heart. It pierced me even deeper that I had no idea what caused it.

"It's alright, my love, let it go," I tried.

Dick shook his head.

"I'm sorry," Dick squeaked. "I'm sorry. I'm a failure."

"Richie, you're not a failure. Don't say that," I panicked, as well as holding myself to not cry.

"Someone died in my arms tonight. I couldn't save her. I'm a failure," Dick quietly whined.

"No," I said, wrapping myself around Dick tighter. "You tried your best, darling, I believe so. No one could've done it any better."

"What if it was you? What if it was you and I couldn't save you?" Dick questioned.

"Then, I'd be glad I died in your arms and that you tried," I said.

"Then, I failed Rachel," Dick turned.

"Not gonna happen because I know you won't let me die like that," I insisted.

Dick looked up to me. I wiped his tears away as much as I could.

"You trust me like that? You trust me that much?" Dick questioned.

Despite already nodding since the first three words were stated, I had an answer.

"I trust you like that and much more than that. I let you pick my outfit for my highschool reunion, remember?" I said.

Dick let out a light chuckle. I smiled.

"I love you so much," Dick said.

"I love you so much, too, Richie," I replied.

We kissed to that. I rested my forehead on his once we parted.

"Let's get married tomorrow," Dick said.

"You're delusional," I commented.

Dick moved my face with his hands to face him comfortably.

"Yeah, you wouldn't marry anyone without a wedding dress," Dick said.

"We can be butt ass naked and homeless and I would still marry you," I said.

"Won't happen," Dick promised. "I'll make sure the only thing that's more expensive than your wedding dress is Rachel's wedding dress in the future. Or suit. Or whichever she likes more."

"You think Rachel would let you pay for her wedding attire?" I questioned.

"Excuse me, I will insist," Dick scoffed playfully.

"See, you yourself is such a loving person," I pointed out. "You even flirt back to anyone flirting with you at your highschool reunion."

"No, I didn't," Dick denied.

I shrugged.

"That's why you were mad," Dick realized.

"No, I was tired," I played.

"Nooo," Dick whined, pulling me close to me. "I'm sorry. I just don't know sometimes."

"I know," I nodded. "Now that one's cleared out, what about that time--"

"No, my love," Dick cut off.

I chuckled.

"You know what, that's why we should get married tomorrow so people will stop flirting with me," Dick bargained.

I hummed in consideration.

"Come on," Dick encouraged.

"Rachel is still sick, darling. Also, aren't you cold? Let's get you a shirt," I said.

"I just need my fiancée and a blanket," Dick held me down before I could stand up.

"Alright. Let's move to the right position, then," I decided. "Do you want to be small spoon tonight?"

"Yes, please," Dick nodded. "But, as much as I want that, I also want to hold something in my arms."

I thought for a second.

"You want Rachel's teddy bear? I can get that for you, if you want," I said.

"I want to hold my lady, Romania," Dick whined.

I chuckled.

"'Kay," I nodded.

With so, we got into our sides of the bed. Dick pulled me to his arms right away before covering us with the blanket. His arms basically trapped me and it worried me a little that he might not let me go if Rachel needed any help.

Less than three seconds later, Dick left kisses on my forehead. I responded with a kiss on his chest.

"I want to marry you so bad," Dick said. "I love you so much I can't help it."

"We better start really planning the wedding, then," I said.

"Right," Dick hummed before pressing his lips to my forehead once again.

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